1st week..post op--- and what's wrong?

on 4/5/06 9:58 am - cookeville, TN
Ok.. No nothing is REALLY wrong........ but... I went to my first POST OP.... have lost 11 lbs....... OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH!! No problems with me... I have no pain............ no "issues"..........so everything went great.. and they have me on pureed/soft for the next 5 weeks............. and I am soooooooo happy about that...( and my choices!)) I have tolerated water////////even enjoy it!! Protien intake will be fine too........ ...my question is... did anyone..ever think... that they felt so good.... that MAYBE the didnt do the surgery??:? CRAZY HUH??? I mean.... I KNOW they did...I have BATTLE SCARS to prove it--- and... some soreness-- of course........ but... everything I have treid to eat so far.... has casued me NO problems!! SHould'nt complain right????!! So........ this is what made me happy........ after clinic... I ate PINto BEANS and cheese....from TACO BELL............ savored EVERY bite..............and I ENJOYED every bite................. now... when I told my friend that I ate those beans... she COULD NOT believe that I did it.. and that I ate the WHOLE thign...even with red sauce...........sooooooooo was that a NO NO>>>>?? my tummy felt fine....... I waited 35 minutes to drink some water... and was allllll goooood........... tonight Im going to try a scrambled egg............with a little cheese........ soooooooooooo is something wrong with me... to feel this good....soo soon............ shall I knowck on wood?!!! oxoxoxo MARIA
on 4/5/06 12:26 pm - KY
That's great Maria! I was also banded on 3/30 but am supposed to be on full liquids until 4/15. hahaha Tonight we went to a chinese rest and I ordered off the menu chicken chow mein with fried rice and hot and sour soup. OK...wait...don't yell...I ate about 1/2 c soup, 2 tiny pieces of chicken with a few small bites of rice and veges. I chewed chewed chewed, and I feel great! I was just so darn hungry and I am sick of all the sf/ff chocolate crap already. I brought the rest home and figure I can eat off this stuff for the next week and be perfectly happy. I know I'm not following all the rules my doc set for me, but I read so many people like yourself who are already on soft foods. I have already lost 13 lbs. and I really didn't do this surgery to lose tons of weight. I have a lot of health issues due to the 75 extra lbs that I do carry and want to get better. I just can't mentally do the liquids for 2 weeks. I may regret this later and my hubby has already yelled that he's not paying for the next surgery. But what can go wrong with my band if I don't overeat and feel fine?
on 4/5/06 1:30 pm - CA
Hi Maria, I am like you with exception that I am on shakes and very few mushy foods. I couldn't believe that I could get my entire 8oz shake down in 15 minutes. I was sure that my Dr didn't do the surgery correctly or he made my pouch to big. Well from the research I have done and questions I have asked people further along, that is common the first couple to three weeks, then you will start to have the full feeling. Sounds like you are doing awesome!!
Darlene X
on 4/5/06 2:06 pm - Maricopa, AZ
Umm regarding the beans & cheese.... I don't know what your plan is, but so early out is very much portion orientated. Our pouches don't register the full feeling just yet, nerves were cut during surgery and everything is still healing, so its very hard to tell when your actually full (Normally happens around 8-12 weeks out). That is why (Per my surgeon & Nut) we are supposed to measure our foods at this stage. I am allowed 2, maybe 3 oz at this stage. Eating a whole pinto & cheese from Taco Bell goes way over the amounts Im "allowed" to eat, Im sure its 8oz or more. You may want to just check with your nutritionist or plan that you are allowed to be eating that much--- you don't want to unknowingly damage anything because your not getting that "Full" signal yet. Darlene 338/301/170
on 4/5/06 9:16 pm - Nashua, NH
Maria, the Taco Bell pinto beans and cheese is only 1/2 cup (4 tablespoons) and 10 grams of protein. I couldn't have anything but liquids for the 1st 10 days, but after that - the Taco Bell beans were actually suggested by the nutritionist as a soft, pureed food with 10 grams of protein. My doctor's office didn't want you to do protein until the 5th day after surgery, but then every doctor's office is different. At this point the nutritionist wants me to get 70-80 grams of protein a day and mostly from food with subsidizing with the protein drinks, shakes, etc. I found the pinto beans and cheese helped with potential constipation and they settled very well in my little pouch! I guess you tried them a bit early, but evidently they went down and stayed down! I am glad you are feeling so well and I like you can't believe how good I do feel. However, I think we are extremely lucky because some folks just don't recover that quickly. I am so thankful I have and have no issues yet with food. It does make you wonder when you feel so good how they could have rearranged your entire insides and you do feel good!! I wish everyone could do so well and pray for those that are having troubles. But at least all of us MARCHers are now on the losing side and ready to start our new life time journey. Best wishes for your continued improvement. Barbara
on 4/5/06 9:49 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Maria, I too have experienced what you have. I have my 2 week post op today and have contemplated asking the doctor if he did anything other than cut some holes in my abdomen. LOL I have been blessed and have had a very easy recovery. Liquids have been fine, haven't got sick etc. I didnt know until the past few days reading some posts that we dont feel full sensation until later. I have been surprised at the amount of water I can intake, that I can do more than a tiny little sip. I remember people telling me to sip, take little sips all day long, that it would be a long time before I could drink regular ones. Well I dont think the sip/gulp etc,whatever you want to call it that I do now is any different than I did before. But then again I was not a big water drinker and its hard for me to drink it, so sips are probably smaller than the average person. I dont every gulp liquids down or drink them fast. OMG you should see my husband drink liquids, he lifts the glass and down it all goes. I ask him doesnt that hurt? LOL I am thankful everyday and do thank the man upstairs everday for my ease of surgery and recovery and I do pray for those who just had or are having surgery to have an easy time. I've found myself feeling a little guilty sometimes that I've had it so easy when others have suffered so much. So please keep them in your thoughts that they also can have the positive experience we've had so far. I keep my fingers crossed too. Food probably starts today. I'm a bit afraid of eating, dont want to get nauseated or sick. But guess we shall see!! Have a great day!
Joanna C.
on 4/6/06 3:08 am - Miami, FL
Actually Maria, I shared your doubts and jubilation! Like you, I lost 12 lbs in the first week and 19 lbs total by the second week. Then I stall all of week three, but my waist decreased in size by 3 inches during that time and I joined Curves. I've lost 3 lbs since starting the workout on Monday, so I'm losing again and feeling great. The pintos and cheese are EXCELLENT! And the 4oz of mush go down so smooth, plus they add the necessary fiber to help clean you out. I eat them about every other day. I tried buying the fat free refried beans from Old El Paso, but it's not the same. If you go to www.tacobell.com, it will give you a breakdown of the nutritional value of the dish. Not bad at 10g of protein per serving. By the fourth day after my RNY, I had cottage cheese and eggs and felt fine. By the end of the week, I was having an egg/cheese sandwich on double-fiber wheat bread (of course, I was full after only a few bites). I am in my fourth week and I'm having tuna, baked chicken, deli meats and cheeses, shrimp and steamed veggies (all in small portions and chewed slowly and well). I was cleared by my nut yesterday to start incorporating meats (starting with ground beef). I also do 2-3 protein shakes a day. My favorites are EAS AdvantEdge Carb Control in vanilla and chocolate fudge (taste like McDonalds Milkshakes - really!). I also like the Isopure Zero Carb Vanilla powder. I mix that with 6oz of skim milk and a tablespoon of General Foods International Coffees S/F Swiss Mocha powder - my morning frapuccino - delicious!!! There is nothing wrong with you - just make sure that in your excitement you don't test the limits too soon, and follow the Dr.'s orders strictly. Good luck Joanna
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