Losing trend continues
I must admit I was a bit concerned since I started eating solid foods. But...the losing trend continues! I weighed 194 this morning, down three pounds from last week. Tomorrow, I go to see the dietician. I'm dying for some salad. I wonder if she'll say I can eat it? Also, some cold cereal would be delicious. I'm probably being a little premature in my requests, but we'll see. I noticed that my pants are getting too long. Must be because there's not as much belly to hold them up!
I wanted salad and asked about it on the TX board and some docs start it at like 2 weeks post op salad and lean meat and others like mine say no raw veggies for a while. I personally thought about it and decided lettuce is one of the things I do NOT want to puke - I puke EVERYTHING I eat at least once GRRRRR but hey I am losing LOL and I do keep stuff down just not the same thing any two days running.
I have had thin sliced no skin on it tomatoe with mustard on a slice of fat free cheese -that was heavenly and it was a store bought tomato at that - yuck!1