Help. days post op, came home today, Coffee ground stools.

on 4/1/06 8:49 am - New Albany, OH
I had an open roux-n-y on tuesday. It hasn't been easy and I'm finding myself crying alot. I'm a nurse and thought I did a lot of research, but I had an experience I hadn't heard about... I started having coffee ground dark stools on the 3rd day and they have continued. In my nursing school I was taught that this meant it was old blood from upper gi. Has anyone had this? I can't take pain meds because I get sick. So I'm unable to take pain medication and it really does hurt. Much better today than yesterday, etc, but still hurts. I've run a fever for 4 days and had to go home on 2 different antibiotics. When will I feel better. I know it's only 5 days but I seem so depressed. Is this normal? Please send your replies, experience, hope...
on 4/1/06 10:02 am
Laney, I am just over 2 weeks post op and I too, am having very dark colored stools (ever since surgery). When I went for my 7day post op appt, my doctor says that it is due to the pain meds given to you while in the hospital and also the vitamins will also darken stool. So just make sure to ask your doctor when you go in for your follow-up. I also had an OPEN RNY and am feeling depressed a little. I am mourning the loss of food. It is getting better as each day passes. I am seeing a psychologist once a week to help with the depression and issues of food, and we are working intensely on behavior modification. IT HELPS, SOOO MUCH!! I did 2 yrs of WLS research and thought I was going to be able to breeze through every stage, boy was I wrong. It's sooo diffrent when your on the losing side, huh? My incision still hurts at times and is very sensitive, but I have a binder the doctor gave me to wear for 6 weeks, how about you? The binder really helps and feels good securing the incision. I know things will get better as each day passes, just have faith. Veronica Hill Post Op since 3/16/06
Kylie S
on 4/1/06 3:21 pm - Melba, Australia
Hi Laney, It's been over 3 weeks now since my open RNY and yes I did feel depressed after the surgery. Given that I already took anti-depressants and that I had also researched this operation I was expecting some, but the reality did blow me away a bit. I have good days and I have bad days. I am currently trying my anti-depressant in a liquid form to see if this helps. As to when you will feel better I can't answer that, some people seem to spring back so quick and other people longer, I think we all have to give our selves a bit of a break though as we have all had major surgery and it takes time to heal. Of course though I am impatient to feel normal again. If you are really concerned about your stools, and given you are not on any pain medication I would contact your doctor, better to be reassured by your doctor then ignore a serious problem. Take care Kylie
on 4/1/06 7:17 pm - Nashua, NH
Laney, when I got home I had really, really dark stools for several days, however they were very loose also. After 3-4 days they started lightening up and now are normal. I didn't have an open, but I don't know if that makes a difference or not. Another girl who had surgery at the same time with me in the same hospital, she also experienced the very dark stools. They even told us you might have a small amount of blood in your stools, but not to worry unless it was excessive. Hope you will be feeling better soon....glad you have joined us on the MARCHers loser's bench! Barbara
Stephanie Smiles
on 4/2/06 12:34 am - My Town, NH
Hi Laney. Just want you to know I'm thinking about you and hoping you feel better each day! Can you take Tylenol? I had to stop taking the pain meds and switch to Tylenol and Tylenol PM, both in liquid form, after only a couple of days. It helped me tremendously! Rest well, Stephanie
on 4/2/06 1:07 am - Philadelphia, PA
Laney, First of all I think it's great that you are recognizing these feelings of sadness and depression. That's a great step. Just make sure it doesn't get away from you and make sure you talk to someone (a professional) if it does. I find myself crying a lot too...not because of the surgery but every littel thing on TV is making me cry. I am chalking it up to having major surgery and perhaps my hormones are off a little. Hang in there. I just keep thinking of all those people who say this was the best thing they did for themselves and wished they'd done it day really soon that will be us!!! Just stay positive!!! Ann Marie
Lisa M.
on 4/3/06 12:17 am - LaGrange, NC
I had my surgery on the 21st. I had Lap Roux-en-y. I too still have dark stools. I really think it must be the vitamins plus the protein in the shakes. I mean that is ALL we are getting right? I have had some days I really had to pep myself up and that I said "LISA, WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU THINKING!!!' I think from talking to others it is normal to be the way for some up to about 8 weeks. I mean our whole lives have changed and as much as I thought I was ready to go without food, it is very hard. I think each day will get better and that when we start on REAL foods (soft foods) we will start to feel even more normal. OUr good health in the end will make the experience worth it. That's what I am counting on!
Shana M.
on 4/4/06 7:20 am - KY
I'm 4 weeks and 1 day post op. It does get easier. The first two weeks seemed to be the worst. Once I was able to eat a little more I started feeling more "normal". Now that I can eat relatively normal food just chewed very thoroughly and in small amounts I feel much better mentally and physically. Your body is exhausted. It hurts, it's weak, it's trying to heal, and your starving it. It's first reaction is to make you feel it with the hope you'll do something about it. This does pass. I don't think it matters how much research and planning we did prior to this procedure, it seems like after it's done we are all in a whole new and foreign world. We are lost and hurting and sometimes the only way to get that out is to break down and cry or scream "Why did I do this!?" When it get's bad start reading all the success stories. Get yourself geared up to be a success story and you will have a different outlook. Anytime you start to slip from that frame of mind, spend an hour readin geven more success stories. It will give you the encouragement you need. SLM
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