I would suggest calling your doctor and asking for differnt pain meds - I did horribly on the first 2 in the hospital and but bless them my docs kept changing them till we hit something that HELPED.
are you walking? I know it sucks and sounds nutso but if you will get up and walk as up right as you can it will help the pain hurry up and go away
I know this from 2 c secs. the first 12 years ago I was told just rest it iwll get better honey. the second I was gotton up and walked with in hours of having the baby. I had the same amount of pain!! the DIFFERNCE was I had pain for 3 weeks (not walking) vs 3 DAYS walking. this is true in all surgerys - I am a get it over person
hope this helps
All of me,
I had lots of pain too. I had a drain tube that was irriating my pancreas. Also, I was dehydrated since the pain just kept me from wanting to drink. Dehydration can cause severe cramping. I would talk to the dr. I will be praying that you'll be better soon. I had to be readmitted and get some fluids into me. Once that tube came out and I could drink without pain I was fine. Still pretty tired but no pain.
God Bless,
Love, Robin S.
I'm 8 days post-op. When I was 3 days post-op I was still in the hospital and absolutely miserable! I didn't want to walk and my stomach and abdomen were excruciating! I had 2 initial drains and then went home with 1 drain. That long drain was really irritating. ANY TIME I moved and used my stomach muscles the pain hit. Getting up and down from chair, walking, stooping, etc. I have slept in my recliner every night because I can't lay myself down on the bed or get out of the bed without help. I am told that the muscles and tissues in your stomach have been extermely disturbed and traumatized and bruised. The area is swollen and it will take time for the internal bruising to go down. It's like being hit by a truck- seriously. I don't understand how some of these members are up and walking with little or no pain just hours after surgery. It blows my mind. I tried 3 pain meds and nothing would ease the pain.
I feel for you, dear. I'm still hurting but it gets less and less each day. I still have not driven a car or gone outside. I hope that in the next few days I will feel like getting out. Heck, I wasn't a walker BEFORE this major surgery. It will take a long time until I'm walking laps. Note to self: Before having any further elective surgery, be in TOP physical condition and it will go a lot better.