Came home yesterday, surgery on the 21st.
Well, I'd say that all in all it went as expected. My scheduled time got moved from 0745 to noon .. so, I had plenty of extra time that morning to contemplate what I was about to do. I didn't change my mind.
I'd say the biggest surprise was the pain I had right after the surgery.. in that time between the recovery room, and going up to my room.. I guess that gas they use to 'blow up' your abdomen really can hurt. I was mashing away on my PCA. It dissapated pretty quickly, and I started to fee better. I was up and walking around that evening, and made a turn up/down the hallway.
MY esophagus and the new pouch seemed pretty tender at first .. once I passed the leak test .. I was able take some sips of water.. and they hurt once they hit bottom... but.. that feeling has gotten better every day.. now, on day 3.. it's almost at what I think will be normal.
Like someone else said, I need to learn to sip and not gulp.. heck, I guess the whole thing will be a learning process.
Today, my first full day at home, I'm feeling a little tired, and have taken had some naptime.. but, I can tell I'm getting better and stronger .. at 54 perhaps it'll take me a day or two longer to bounce back!
This board has been a great thing to read and learn from, I thank you all for sharing your experiences.
Hi Barry--Welcome home. The surgery is behind you now the journey begins. I had surgery on 3/13 and am 58 ys old--another oldie but goodie. I did excellent the first 10 days and then yesterday develoed nausea. Not throwing up just yucky! I ws having trouble getting rid of hospital fluid and the put me on a fluid pill.
Take care of your self and remember sip, sip, sip, and drink, drink, drink.
See you around on the board--just think March 2007 all us MARCHer 06 and be in the bragging mode!!
Be strong and positive--bj
Hi Barry...I am 55 and had my surgery on the oldies heal about as fast as those "youguns"!!!! I am feeling great, in fact went back to the doctor yesterday and he released me to go to work on Monday - 2 weeks out. Just follow all your instructions and you will do great. I have been walking a mile a day since I came home from the hospital. I have 2 obnoxious pugs and walking them is good for all of us! Good luck and keep posting and let us know how you are wishes! Barbara