OMG! Less than a week to go!
I can't believe my surgery is less than a week away! Sunday night I could barely sleep: my mind was racing with "what I needs" and "what if?s". I guess my nerves are starting to get to me. Not worrying about me, as much as the possibilty that something could go wrong and, since I'm a single Mom of 4 daughters, the disaster that would cause! Oh well, I know I need to do this, and I will be able to be a more active Mom once I'm on the losing side. Just have to hang in there a few more days.....
Anyone have any calming advice?
Hi Carol,
I can't offer any advice from the losing side, but I will commiserate with you on your nerves. I'm having my surgery the same day and I feel like I've entered an alternate reality. I just want to turn into a turtle and crawl in bed for the week! But life goes on.
I can sympathize with your concerns about your kids. I have two little boys, 3 and 7. I often start thinking about what would happen if the my worst fear became a reality and my boys were motherless. I made my husband promise he would put them in counseling until they were 21 if I died!
He just looked at me like I was nuts and said "Stop saying stuff like that, you're freaking me out!"
I think we'll just need to trust that we've made the decision to get healthier to live longer and more actively with our kids. Surgery is always a risk, but the odds are in our favor.
I have to do a week long liquid fast this week that's just about killing me, so I have treating this time as a time of preparation and prayer and am writing in a journal. (I normally hate that whole mushy "writing my feelings down" stuff, but it has seemed to help when I am feeling whiny and wanting to eat!
) and keeps me from freaking my husband out!
Here's one Bible verse that makes me feel like it's for this time:
Isaiah 43:19
"I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."
I am waiting for God to do a new thing with me! If He can make a "river in the desert" surely He can help me not eat a pan of brownies this week!
which is ALL I can think about.
I hope you get to a place of calm this week and make it to Monday. See you on the the losing side of things and bring on the morphine pumps!
Hugs, Katie
Honey--I just had surgery last Monday. I was high risk in that I was a revision from as old stomach stapeline, 58 yr old, and 350 lbs. I did so well--I could hardly tell I had surgery by Thursday. Go read my profile for my experiences,
You are in a good group--we MARCH together.
Be strong and positive--bj
Hi Carol. I know that this process can be so nerve wracking! I recommend deep breathing and also visualizing a smooth surgery and recovery. Also, put your faith and trust in those that will be taking care of you and performing your surgery. I was very surprised on the day of my surgery at my calmness. I was ready. You will be too.
Best, Stephanie
I,m sorry that I don't have any calming advice for you yet, as I am also 1 week away from surgery. March 28th!!! I have an 8 year old daughter and a loving husband at home. My husband went through the surgery this past jan and is doing well so he can be our angel. I see you are from great meadows I am in port murray. Are you going to morristown or dover for your surgery? I will be in dover for mine. Well wherever you go just know that my husband and I will be praying for your speedy and uneventful surgery. Stay calm and keep in touch.
Thanks for writing! I also see you are with the same surgery group as I am, although my surgeon is Dr. Pukova and I'm going to Morristown Meml Hospital. At the pre-op class, they said that each operation is performed by 2 of the surgeons, so I guess they'll be at Morristown on Monday and Dover on Tuesday. Good luck to you. Thank you and your husband both for all of your prayers! I feel like an emotional wreck this week. Please keep in touch!