Hello March surgery crew! I have 10 days till my surgery/ March 20th. I'm very excited knowing that this is going to be a new start for me and I will be able to keep up with my 2yr old son. I went and did my pre-admission on yesterday--lab and ekg, gallbladder ultrasound and all. I am going to a support group meeting on Monday--and there they will have samples of protien drinks. I need to go shopping for all my necessities. I thank God for my Parents they have been very supportive. I am divorced and my parents are going to help me with my son. I Love them to death~! Well keep me in your prayers and I will do the same for you. Any recomendations for Pre Surgery Week?
It is great having all these people who have had surgery or going to this month. I'm having surgery the 15th and have finished all my shopping and needs for the hospital. I went to a support group last night and going again to a new one on Monday nights. It really helps quite a bit because all these people are getting ready for surgery or the ones who have had the surgery. I have been busy with last minute pre-op hospital and last minute doctors office with last official weight before.
It is great you have support and love from your parents.
I will keep you in my thoughts.