surgery March 13 and sick
Hi Jenn. I am sorry you are sick. I too have surgery next week and I have been fighting a sore throat and sniffles. I am drinking lots of Airborn, extra vitamin c and trying to keep everyone away. This is hard to do, since I am a bank Teller. I use that hand sanitizer all the time!
I hope you are better before you go to the hospital.
Robin S.
Good luck!!!!
I have 11 days left, and Hubby yesterday came down with a sore throat, and today is trapped in bed sooo sick!!! Im doing everything I can to not get it. Ive upped my Vitamin C the last week, and today I started on ZICAM!!!
I suggest you go get some, it helps prevent a small cold turning into a horrible one, and it can help it end sooner!!
I sure hope you don't have to get rescheduled, take care of yourself so you can be well!