maybe i should cancel

Lisa M.
on 2/24/06 1:47 am - Murfreesboro, TN
Well as everyone knows, I am going to be banded on March 7th! YEAH!!!, but now I am getting nervous...I mean really seems lately like my life is falling I have posted before, a child with torn rotator cuff and the flu, working full time, now my other daughter had a accident and totalled her vehicle. She will be fine, minor bruises and scrapes, same for the passenger in her car.....but this is the 3rd car accident for my family in 3 months!!!!, along with one of my children having kidney stone surgery. I feel like I should just give luck is bad....something awful could happen if I have this surgery.....sounds paranoid doesn't it.....I normally have a really bright outlook....the person who always looks on the bright side, encourages everyone, but the last 3 weeks have taken their toll.... I know in my heart that GOD will not give me more than I can bear, but it sure feels like too much.....I even asked God why???? I can't take any more husband either.....I know I can't see the big picture, and that all things will work according to His purpose, but it would help if I could see some light at the end of the tunnel....... I feel like cancelling my surgery until things calm down.....but my insurance has only approved it until 3/31. I am torn......
on 2/24/06 2:21 am - Huntsville, AL
I wouldn't cancel. Like you said, you are never given more than you can handle. Think about how much more energy and health you'll have to deal with stressful situations!
on 2/24/06 7:09 am - WI
Hi Lisa I'm sorry your family has been going threw so much lately but I say that if you really want this surgery then go for it, because you cant live your life wondering what if this happens or that happens. Good Luck with your dicision Heather
Stephanie Smiles
on 2/24/06 10:38 pm - My Town, NH
Hi Lisa. I'm sorry you are going through so much right now. One of the things you might consider is the length of time it took for you to get to this point. I know that I would not want to begin this process again from scratch! What are the chances that you would be able to get insurance approval after 3/31? Only you can decide what is right for you. Just remember that you are indeed worth it. And, also, I know that I hope to be better equipped to handle the stresses that accompany life with less weight to bog me down! Hugs, Stephanie
Tammy M
on 2/27/06 10:30 am - Somers, CT
Have you made your decision yet? Are things getting a little better? I hope you are able to go forward with the 3/7 date and not have to put off what you have worked so hard to accomplish! Best Regards, Tammy Count Down: 8 days!
Lisa M.
on 2/27/06 10:18 pm - Murfreesboro, TN
Yes, I made the decision to go through with the surgery.....I went for my pre-ops yesterday.....I guess I was just overwhelmed with everything last week....This weekend I rested and reflected and realized that God was in daughter could have died in the wreck but His hand stopped it.....(The police said it was a miracle she and her passenger were alive) God is definitely in control.....And if I die due to complications of obesity who is going to be here to take care of my family....I know my husband would still be here, but he really is not good in emergencies....and my children love their dad, but always want their momma when things happen....I have a much better outlook thanks to all of you, my families encouragement and God's reassurance.....Thanks again.
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