March 23!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi All,
I have a date for March 23 2006. Is it normal to not be excited yet? I have wanted this surgery for so long and it seems there have been dissappointments after dissappointments about this. Now that I have a date, I am not worried about me, I worry about my doctor or weather or something happening to the hospital. I guess you could say I am a worry wart. I just don't want to open myself up for my disappointments. I am afraid to get excited and let myself believe that it is finally going to happen.

Hi Pam~
I think that whatever you are feeling is normal for YOU. I don't think there is a right or wrong way to feel, do you? Just go with it and I believe when you are ready to let some of your aprehension go a bit, that the excitement with naturally follow. Everyone's journey is going to be whatever they need it to be. For you...right now...caution is the avenue that your journey has decided to take and maybe down the road it make a slight turn into excitement... You are doing great! Hang in there and keep us posted as to how you are doing.

Hi, Pam!
I have March 23rd Date too!!!!!!!! I was the same way, no emotion or anything till they set me up for PreOP testing and nutritional class, then it became real to me. Now, I am soooooooooo excited I am about to pop!! I wish you well on your journey, and will offer up some prayers for you also!
See ya' on the loosing side!
Tammy }i{
Hi Tammy,
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I have had all of my tests and classes. I am just waiting for the surgery. I am so afraid to let myself believe it because I had been approved for out of country surgery only to have my approval yanked back. I will prabably not let myself get excited until I am being wheeled into the operating room.