Want to play 5 questions
1. How long did it take you to get a surgery date? I started my surgeon search in October. Had my first office visit on 12/27. Surgery is scheduled for March. Having BCBS certainly helped speed things us.
2. Are you reading any WLS books? I have read Gastric Bypass Surgery, Everything you Need to Know to Make an Informed Decision; Living & Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery by Susan Maria Leach; and the one Tara mentioned, Finding the Thin Person Inside.
3. What are you planning on taking to the hospital? Lip Gloss, nightgown, slippers, book, toiletries, playing cards.
4. Have you started eating with baby spoons yet. I started about a month ago.
5. Are you married and does your husband support your decision?
I have been married for 20 years and my husband and children are 100% behind me.
1. Mine was relatively quick and easy. I went to the doc Jan 18th and set a date for March 23rd. I know that my ins approves easy, so that won't be a problem.
2. No, but I have ordered Exodus from Obesity...just waiting for it to arrive.
3. Everything everyone said and all the stuff I have printed out, especially the uplifting things...I might need some uplifting while I am there, possibly in pain
4. Not yet...but my dining table is covered with baby spoons, mini food processor, nutritional scale, etc...maybe I will break it all out this weekend.
5. Yes, married...is supportive but worried about my surgery.

1. How long did it take you to get a surgery date?
It only took two months. I could have gone sooner but I wanted to wait for my childrens spring break.
2. are you reading any WLS books? No I am not, we are in the middle of moving and it is hard to get any free time.
3. What are you planning to take to the hospital? Chapstick, slippers, robe, lotion, and a few magazines.
4. Have you started eating with a baby spoons yet? No I have not but I have quit drinking Deit Pepsi and I am chewing my food for what seems to be a hundred times before swallowing it.
5. Are you marriedand does your husband support your decision? Yes I am married and have been for almost 17years. He's a great guy! He says that in the long run the whole family will be better for it.( no more meds. no more out of breath, no more complaining that something hurts.) He is taking vaccation time for my first week. Even though my teenage children will be home with me. He is very supportive and is my ROCK! Love him and my kids dearly. I have so much to lose if something goes wrong but my husband is still supportive and grounds me with the what if's......
Amy I

1. my surgery date took about 8 months total but if I had BlueCross last year instead of UHC I would have been approved much earlier.
2. No I havent read any books but I've done research online and gone to a seminar this month I'm going to a nutrition seminar
3. At the hospital I'm planning on having Chapstick, a robe, mp3 player, and the most important is a new school bus toy for my 2 year old son because when he comes to see me if he gets scared of everything thats attached to "his mommy" I want to be able to give him something that will take his mind off of whats going on with me.
4. I eat yogurt or applesause with a baby spoon and use small plates
5. I am married, 10 years this June to a wonderfully supportive man hopefully the rest of my family will be supportive as well.