My 3 year report
Let me start by saying that I have missed all of you "Marcher's" I had hoped that many of you would check in this month. I do see that each post is getting many views so I know you are out there. I just wish you would give us an update and say hello.
Okay, I'll get off my soap box.
In many ways I can't believe it has been three years since I had this life saving surgery. My life is so different. I no longer worry about having enough energy to do the things I want to or need to do during the course of the day. I feel so much more free from the restrictions my body used to place on me. I still have head issues. The other day I needed to nail something behind the refrigerator and I had pulled it out and still didn't think there was anyway that I would fit in that confined space, but I did.
One bad thing is that I can pretty much eat anything I want and it doesn't bother my pouch. The result of this is that over the course of the last year I have gained 23 pounds. I am not thrilled about that, but I have no one to blame. I know what I am putting in my mouth and I know when I should stop eating. I feel like this surgery has put me on par with all of the "regular" people and I must balance my intake with my exercise. This is my ongoing battle
I still am walking, but not near as much as I used to. I walk about 15 miles a week and I am up to 3200 miles and have averaged about 100 miles a month since I started keeping track. So I haven't checked if I have made it across the country or not yet.
Anyway life is good and I hope everyone is doing well.
As alway, Life is great.
Have a wonderful weekend....
God Bless

Sounds like you're doing great Rick. You're exercising and getting out to experience what life has to offer you. As for the extra 23, you know how they appeared and you know how to make them disappear again if you choose to. You have control, not the food ( like it used to). Isn't that a great feeling?
Confucius say: Man who smoke pot choke on handle
Congrats on the 3 years and I know exactly where you are on this journey. It is so much more than just losing weight and your are fixed. I am 3 years and a day now since it is after midnight. I did some random blogging to try and get what I was feeling today out there but unless yu experience it yourself you don't fully understand.
N.E. way I'll keep reading your posts and being inspired.
I would be interested to know what special challenges you felt you encountered and what benefits you have enjoyed since having this surgery when as you stated you are more mature then some of us? Please let us know.
Congratulations for keepin the weight off and living life to it's fullest.
Take care, Rick