Please READ (please pray for me) (long)

on 8/5/08 1:02 pm - Melrose, MA
Things have been so crazy...Mom had to go in for a biopsy they saw a mass in her nether regions and wanted to biopsy it to make sure it was not we are waiting on grandmother is this week starting her second round of chemo......for her first round she got very dehydrated and ended up at the oncologist office in Stoneham getting is so hard....I was throw into the mix for her last round... My Mom as also take back her life ( after falling and breaking her ankle and heel and those thin bones in her foot it was a year and few months since she had driven)...and is driving now so she is the one taking herself to appointments unless her heel is bothering her that day...sorry to unload on you guys like this...I just really need the support of my Marcher family....again I apologize... I have also received my second denial letter from Tufts Insurance for my Panni....they say it is not medically necessary.....but my three other doctors is so frustrating doing all the right things and then have a pencil pushing MD (whom I beleive does not believe in the Gastric Bypass he is of the old school for exercise and eat salad for the rest of your life and then you will lose the weight...Thank God he will not be part of the appeal process. I am meeting with my Surgeon on Thursday to see what exactly I have to makes me feel like a failure all over again when someone bascially tells me what you have done is not good enough...fortunately my surgeons is behind me 100% and has told me if we have to we will stand on their conference room table and show them why I need the procedure. Ok so I sound like I am rambling now...I hate to have to dump this all on all my friends here...but I really need your motivation, support, and most of all your prayersllll I love you all Jannine Hairston Love you Jannine Hairston
Stephanie Smiles
on 8/6/08 11:51 pm - My Town, NH
Hi Jannine. I will definitely send good thoughts and prayers your way. I too am in the insurance process for the abdomnioplasty. It's tough to get insurance companies to see the medical necessity in these procedures! I hope things calm down soon for you and that you receive good news on your appeal. Hugs, Stephanie
on 8/7/08 2:20 am - Melrose, MA
Thank you Stephanie for you kind words and prayers....I will pray for you as well...I miss everyone that was on the is like a ghost town in here.... Jannine
Rick A.
on 8/7/08 1:42 pm - Far Northern, CA
Janine, I'm sorry you are having to go through all of this. It's is difficult when it seems like everything happens all at once. You have done tremendously well. I know you will get through all of this, even if you don't think so right now. I will pray for you. I agree that I also miss all of the "Marcher's". We have had a great group of people that mean a lot to me. I miss our friendship and support. I know I would have done better the last several months if I had been more active on here. Don't give up fighting the good fight. It will be well worth it in the end. Take care of yourself. Life is good, Rick
on 8/7/08 11:12 pm - Melrose, MA
Thank you Rick...I always felt well put together..when I had the support of all of the Marchers....I thank you for your prayers as well...and thanks for answering the call for help... Jannine
on 8/10/08 8:14 am - , NC
Oh my goodness, Jannine, you have got a full plate. I'm thinking about you and your family. Just remember that you are a strong woman and you can handle whatever gets flung at you. Please honey, don't see your insurance denial as a failure at all. They don't *want* to pay, it doesn't have anything to do with you.
on 8/10/08 8:45 am - Melrose, MA
Thank you for your kind words...I am trying not to let things get me just seems like everything is being throw at me from all directions. This weekend my husband and I found out that his Aunt has a brain tumor and is going in for surgery on the 6th of far as the insurance I will fight them as far as I can take it....hope you are having a dry weekend it is downpouring here right now.... Hugs and blessings Jannine
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