Yup. It's done! I have FINALLY completed that elusive bachelor's degree. On Saturday, May 17th I graduated from Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, New Hampshire (pictures in profile). It was a wonderful day of celebration. It is the culmination of a twenty year journey that could not have been completed without the support of family, friends, current and former colleagues, and numerous fellow students. Most of all, I am grateful to my amazing husband Pete. His encouragement and support was invaluable. He washed many loads of laundry, cooked, cleaned, and gave me the "did you finish your homework" look more times than can be counted. Hence the subject line: WE did it! It truly was a group effort.
I know that I enjoyed my graduation much more weighing 150 pounds less! I was confident walking across that stage and wasn't worried about my size. It's such a relief to simply live life!
Thank you!
Hugs, Stephanie

I am very proud of you. You have worked hard and you deserve the degree you have earned.
I'm also glad your husband was helpful to you along the way. It always is important to receive support when we go through life's challenges.
It is also good to see your smiling face.
Take care, I hope life continues to be good to you.
Rick, thanks so much. It was a wonderful day and I'm very happy to be done! It's good to see your face as well. I hope you're surviving the heat! It's been beautiful here in the northeast. I spent the weekend in NYC with my nieces and I walked all over Manhattan. It's something I never could have done before surgery. I felt like a million bucks!
Here's to health and happiness!
Hugs, Stephanie