Hello My fellow Marchers..
Sorry I have not been around to do the WDYET...the past three week have been not so good....I have been having some tooth problems and I am extremely terrified of the dentist...and I have broken two teeth and been in a lot of pain from that....so the dentist has graciously been patient with me...but I have been on vicodine for the last three week so when I have not been comatose from the meds..I have been running crazy...my son has also been home from school a lot the past three weeks..his school has had 2 bomb scares in 3 months and he is terrified to go to school....it has been very difficult...no child should be terrified to go to school....so I have had a lot of things on my plate.....and I have to be truthful .....I have made some stressful decisions in my eating...I know it is not a good thing to do...and I do know better and I cannot find a logical reason behind it...and the tooth pain has not helped either...having to eat soft things and liquid is best...but I would get hungry and not eat protein first...(i know really I do....) but eating mashed potatoes, squash, protein drinks, pasta.....so ok...that is my confession.....fortunately the scale has been kind to me.....so now here I go...I have decided that I am gonna have a well balanced meal at least tomorrow and take it one day at a time.....and I will try to post what my menu is gonna be...maybe I will post it tonight that way I have to stick to it.....
On another subject...I have a question for you all who like to research I have been receiving emails from some people telling me the harms of eating nutrasweet asparatene (sp), Splenda in such saying that it is called Sweet Poison....and the email gives a list of symptoms and some of them I have noticed in myself but I do not know weather to believe this stuff...my DH says you cannot believe everything on the internet....so I do not know who to trust on this issue....the doctors that I have asked say that if it was not safe to eat then the FDA would not let it be out there...so my family I am asking for assistance in this......
Love you all
Jannine, I'm sorry you've had such a rough time lately. I hate the dentist too! And, you're right. It's not fair that children are terrified to go to school. I have heard the rumblings about Splenda as well. I don't know what is truth and what isn't. I just try to manage everything in moderation. For example, if I drink Crystal Light in my bottle of water, I make sure I follow it with a bottle of plain water. I've found that cooking with Splenda doesn't work well for me. So I bake using regular sugar and just don't eat large qantities of whatever I bake. I do use Sweet-N-Low in my iced tea. That stuff isn't supposed to be great for you either. I just try not to use too much of anything. We live in a world of processed everything!
If you are noticing symptoms that correspond to what you read, I would try eliminating the Splenda and see if those symptoms disappear. Good luck!
Hugs, Stephanie