Are we defined by our WLS???

Rick A.
on 3/13/08 2:02 pm - Far Northern, CA
Before I had my surgery the way I looked at myself and I think the way others looked at me was as a big person. I was looked at as being lazy and slothful. I had no will power and made poor choices that affected by health and my life. I had to plan my life around my physical limitations. There were also limitations put on me by the pysical world around me. The size of furniture as well as clothing were a major concern of mine. My obesity contolled my life. Now almost two years later I feel that I am defined by my weight loss surgery. Many of my thoughts during the day are directly related to my surgery and my current lifestyle to maintain my weightloss. I constantly evaluate the food I put into my mouth and worry about getting enough exercise to offset my food consumption. It is nice not to worry about my physical size and how I am perceived by the world. While I may not be seen as a large person, I still struggle with my own perception of myself. I guess the real question is was it all worth it? I must say yes, but it hasn't been easy or without cost. I look forward to the day (if it ever arrives) when my surgery will not be the primary source of my every day thoughts. Do each of you have these thoughts or doubts? I'd like to hear from you. LIfe is great, Rick
on 3/14/08 2:39 am - Inland Empire, CA
Hi Rick, I can identify with everything you said about pre-op life. My surgery is still pretty foremost in my daily thoughts, but not in a dominating/controlling sense, more like a backup and reminder. It's different in that I don't "feel" like a RNY patient anymore and more than half the time don't feel limited by my pouch ().... My thoughts of it are more along the lines of a reminder to never go back, to put down that second portion, to walk away from the cake, to not skip my workout that day etc. I hope I"ve made the transition from "RNY" mentality to plain old healthy mentality where healthy fitness and nutritional choices come more naturally now, b/c I place such importance on my awesome new lifestyle. have a great wkend!
Rick A.
on 3/14/08 4:55 am - Far Northern, CA
Rebeka, It sounds like you are well on your way to a healthy lifesytle. It's great to incorporate those changes into your routine and make it a way of life. It makes everything so much easier when it is habit and you have certainly reaped the rewards of your efforts. Take care, Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 3/14/08 9:32 am - My Town, NH
Hi Rick. I feel that others often define me by my WLS more than I do. I am thinking about making good decisions a lot. But there is a big part of me that can't wait until we move south (the winters are getting to be a bit much!) and I won't be known as the girl who had surgery to lose weight...or the girl who lost all that weight. I'd just like to be Stephanie sometimes. I hope that I never forget what it felt like to be morbidly obese. I think it may be the only thing that helps me not go back. Great post. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 3/14/08 9:42 am - Far Northern, CA
Stephanie, I can certainly appreciate wanting to live somewhere where it is warmer. This living in sunny California is kind of a myth. Today we had snow flurries again. I don't know what it would be like to move to a new area and have people not know any of your history. I guess you could be anyone that you wanted to be and not be known as "that person". Maybe that would be a good thing. I, like you never want to forget where I can from. It will help me to not go back. You too, have a great weekend. Maybe this will be the weekend for the great zip line adventure. We'll see. Rick
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