Springing forward
I'm sure by now you have moved all of your clocks ahead an hour. This is the time of year when we get to spring ahead. Don't look at this as losing an hour. We have gained an hour of daylight later in the day. Now we have more oportunity to get out there and move our bodies.
Winter is always a hard time of year for me. I hate the shorter days and the lack of sunlight. Now is the time of year that I look forward to. It is easier for me to get my walking done when there is an extra hour of daylight in the afternoon. For some of you this will mean you have time to go to the gym on your way home and still get home before it is dark when it becomes easier to talk youself out of leaving the house again. Use this time to your best advantage. Put a spring in your step.
This time of year can also be used as a time of recommitment. Look into your self and find the things you need to work on. Maybe it is taking your vitamins, drinking your water, protein first and foremost or exercising. Work on just one of these things for two weeks that tackle the next obstacle in your way to completing your journey successfully.
This is "our" month, let's make the most of it.
Life is great, Rick

Spring just can't get here fast enough for me. What a difference! I used to dread spring. Spring meant fewer clothes to hide behind. It also meant warmer temperatures and I hated those. Now I can't wait for warmer weather. I can't wait to be outside. I can't wait to do stuff!
Bring on spring!
Hugs, Stephanie

I agree, I am so tired of being cold all of the time. I really look forward to the summer months. I used to just suffer in the heat and sweat all of the time, but not any longer. It is really difficult to work up a good sweat. I guess that is because there is so much less of us.
Have a great day, Rick