2 year check up
went horribly! I was up to 168...so gained actually no weight from last year, but I was down to 158 before Christmas.
my blood work said my iron was slightly low, nothing major everything else was right where it should be but I am severly anemic. normally this is from your iron being low, but I have all kinds of kindey problems, infact i have very bad infection now they gave me a shot of antibiotics, and some to take at home. My doctor hopes that the infection is causing the anemia. I am dumping protein like crazy, so he told me to back off on the protein, take all the meds, increase my fluids and come back in 2 weeks. if after the infection has cleared and my iron is at a normal level I am still anemic , we would then have to worry about chronic kidney disease, espcially since I've already had one bought with kidney failure. I was warned this might be a problem after having the surgery because of lack of hydration and only having 1 working kidney...was just hoping I would be further out before it became a problem. Thankfully we already know my sister Susan is a perfect match should I need a kidney transplant.
So anyway...not the best of news...but it could have been worse.