Proud Moments!
Good morning! I've been reflecting on the last two years of my weight loss journey. Certainly, the journey has been longer than two years. I'd say that it's been a lifetime! Also, I realize that the journey will never end. Even if I were to reach a goal weight, I'd still need to be on the journey in order to maintain.
Today I'm also giving annual performance appraisals to my staff at work. One of the questions I ask each of them is; what are you most proud of this year? That gives us an opportunity to discuss their successes and to enjoy their achievements.
So this morning, I ask you the same thing. What is one of the moments (or perhaps lessons learned) in the past two years that you are most proud of? Think about your personal journey and something that you've accomplished. Here's mine:
I'm most proud of myself for finally understanding my relationship with food. I believe I've shifted my relationship from one of comfort and burying emotions to one of nourishment. I no longer eat to keep myself from feeling or to deal with stress. I now eat for nourishment and also the pleasure of texture and taste. This is huge for me and will be critical to maintaining my 145 pound weight loss as well as continuing to lose. I'm not always perfect. Not even close! But, I do try to not use food as a means for coping. I'm very thankful that my surgery has given me more balance in this area and hope I can continue along this path. It's so much more healthful both for my body and my spirit!
Have a great day!
Hugs, Stephanie

Thank you for a chance to reflect on my accomplishments during the last year. I think I am most proud of being a part of this forum. I would never have dreamed of being in a positions where I could be an encourager to others in this life long process. It may be somewhat hard to believe but I really am very shy. I feel that writing posts on here about sharing these life changing events has helped me to come out of my shell a bit. It has allowed me to be introspective and try to figure out why I am the way I am. I am always amazed with the number of things we all have in common.
I am proud to be a "Marcher". Thank you for letting me be part of this family.
Have a great day, Rick