Doc Apptmnt

on 2/11/08 9:29 pm - Melrose, MA
I went to the doctors yesterday for a check up and my blood pressure was 150/90 which made my doctor stop and pause....he has given me 3 months of time to see if it was due to a stressful day or if it is high...he is thinking that it might be genetic so please pray for me that it comes down and goes back to normal...I know that as a group we lean on each other..does anyone else have a pre-op existing condition and it still won't go away...hearing that I may have to go back on bp medication really set me aback...made me want to eat the first bad thing I could get my hands on..( don't worry I was good)..but the feelings were there...everyone keeps telling me but you didn't eat the wrong thing and you have done a great job..and that I cannot fight genetics but it is hard especially when your Primary doc says you won't have to take any more meds and now wants to put me back on...I don't know am I rambling...ok gonna seems like I am not making sense any send me some... Love Jannine 357/165/157/TT
Rick A.
on 2/12/08 12:46 am - Far Northern, CA
Jannine, I'm sorry you are having this problem. My BP seems to have stabalized on the lower end. It used to be fairly high, but it is much better now. Don't feel too bad if you have to take medication. It is so much better then letting this go untreated. We may not like it but if we can lead a better life through pharmacuticals then so be it. I hope it is lower the next time you check. Take care, Rick
on 2/12/08 7:33 am - Melrose, MA
Funny thing is that my bp has been very stable for 2 years...120/69 I honestly think it was the stress of the day...I was on three different kinds of bp meds...I think I am gonna go out and purchase one of those do it your self bp machines and keep a chart going for the next three months and check it once a day and log it and bring it with me to the docs next appointment.... Thank you for your kind words... Jannine
Stephanie Smiles
on 2/12/08 1:07 am - My Town, NH
Jannine, I know that was tough news. It's true though, sometimes these things aren't within our control. All we can do is be as healthy as possible. My husband just recently had to go on blood pressure medication too. He doesn't like it at all. I asked the doctor what we could do to prevent him from needing the medication. He said there really wasn't much! Sending you lots of hugs, Stephanie
on 2/12/08 7:34 am - Melrose, MA
I will gladly accept all the hugs I can get..thanks for them all... Jannine
~ Stylz ~
on 2/12/08 1:14 am - North of Boston, MA
Sorry to hear that Jannine! sending positivie vibes your way my mom started with high blood pressure (her sister too) and they both started taking something natural (it dissolves in water and is tasteless). both have lowered their blood pressure by taking it. I can call mom and ask her the name tonight if you want it, maybe it will help?
on 2/12/08 7:37 am - Melrose, MA
That would be wonderful...I can use all the help I can get....and if it is herbal then maybe it won't cost as much as the bp meds...thanks for all your help Jannine
~ Stylz ~
on 2/14/08 12:30 am - North of Boston, MA
sorry it took me so long to get the information. The name of the product is called "Dolomite powder" by Kal. She picks it up at Vitamin Shoppe and said its not expensive at all. From what I've gathered its a calcium/magnesium suppliment that you dissolve in water and its tasteless. hopefully things are getting better with you BP!
on 2/12/08 2:14 am - Inland Empire, CA
I'm sorry hon! I know it must be hard to hear after we worked so hard to get to our "best" and here is something you can't really control! stinks! Just hang in there, whatever happens, you'll be ok. My dad has been taking meds for HBP for years and they haven't affected his quality or way of life. he manages very well hope all goes well for you!
on 2/12/08 7:41 am - Melrose, MA
Hey there Rebeka...thanks for your kind words and encouragement...I know that my life will really not change except for the better ...but it is still frustrating....I have been away from the gym for a few weeks so hopefully once I start back will help with lowering my bp... Jannine
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