The Carb Question

Stephanie Smiles
on 2/10/08 8:40 pm - My Town, NH
Good Monday morning Marchers! How can it be Monday already? This morning I am thinking about carbohydrates. Do they get a bad rap? Is it really necessary to eliminate most of them in order to lose weight successfully? I've always been confused by this issue. Some nutritionists advise bariatric patients to consume no more then 30 grams of carbs per day. My nutritionist insists that my brain needs a minimum of 100 grams of carbs per day to function well. What are we supposed to believe? What do you think? I know that some carbs are better than others and the article below explains that very well. I try to stay away from the empty carbs and focus on whole grains. But I wonder if that is why I don't seem to be losing weight. Do you have carb tips to share with the rest of us? Have a great day everyone! Hugs, Stephanie ***************************************************** Understanding the differences between 'good' carbs and 'bad' carbs can make all the difference in the world. Simply put, if your diet is based around healthy, natural carb foods - rather than unhealthy, processed carbs - you'll look and feel great - and you'll significantly reduce your risk of disease. Why you shouldn't avoid all carbs... Despite what many of the popular 'fad' diets would have you believe, carbohydrates are NOT bad for you! In fact they are an extremely important part of human nutrition. Carbs give you energy and provide many of the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients necessary for good health. However, eating the wrong kinds of carbs on a regular basis - something that hundreds of millions of people do - can be very harmful. Many experts now believe that 'bad' carbs are a leading cause of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, high-cholesterol, and several of the other serious health problems we face in modern times. What are 'good' carbs? The simple answer to this question is this: good carbs are unprocessed carbohydrates in their 'natural' state - or very close to their natural state. In other words they have been minimally altered by man or machine (or not altered at all). Most diet experts agree that green vegetables are the 'ultimate' good carbs. In fact, pretty much all 'leafy' vegetables and fruits fit into this category. Beans and legumes are also, generally, included on the 'good carbs' list, as are nuts and seeds. Finally, whole-grain cereal foods - including whole-grain breads and pastas - are considered by many to be good carb foods (although there is some disagreement over this). Good carbs have these healthy characteristics: ? high in fiber: helps you stay full longer (and avoid overeating), provides sustained energy, lowers cholesterol levels, helps to remove toxins from the body ? low glycemic index: stabilizes blood sugar levels and insulin production ? high in nutrients: natural vitamins, minerals & phytonutrients promote health and help to prevent chronic disease ? low 'energy-density' (except nuts & seeds): provides sustained energy, promotes healthy weight loss and long-term weight maintenance ? greater 'thermic effect': naturally stimulates metabolism and promotes fat loss Many popular weight loss diets incorporate good carbs into their eating plans because they are so effective at lowering insulin production and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Also, because of their high fiber-content, good carbs make you feel fuller and help you to avoid overeating - a major problem for many people trying to lose weight safely! To sum it up, the following food types are generally considered to be good carbs and should make up most or all of your carb intake: ? whole vegetables ? whole fruits ? beans ? legumes ? nuts ? seeds ? whole cereal grains What are 'bad' carbs... Bad carbs are refined, processed carbohydrate foods that have had all or most of their natural nutrients and fiber removed in order to make them easier to transport and more 'consumer friendly.' Most baked goods, white breads, pastas, snack foods, candies, and non-diet soft drinks fit into this category. Bleached, enriched wheat flour and white sugar - along with an array of artificial flavorings, colorings, and preservatives - are the most common ingredients used to make 'bad carb' foods. Bad carbs are harmful mainly because the human body is not able to process them very well. Our hormonal and digestive systems developed over the course of millions of years. Yet only in the past 100 years or so have humans had access to these highly-processed carbohydrates in abundance. Our bodies simply didn't have time to adapt and evolve to handle the rapid changes in food processing. Because of this, most of the processed carbs we eat wreak havoc on our natural hormone levels. Insulin production, especially, is 'thrown out of wack' as the body attempts to process the huge amounts of starches and simple sugars contained in a typical 'bad carb'-based meal. This leads to dramatic fluctuations in blood glucose levels - a big reason why you often feel lethargic after eating these unhealthy meals. Also, it's important to realize that most processed carb foods provide only 'empty' calories - calories with little or no nutritional-value. Eat enough of these empty calories and your body will quickly turn them into extra bodyfat, as anyone with a weight problem already knows all to well! The regular consumption of large amounts of high-sugar, low-fiber, nutritionally-poor 'bad carbs' eventually leads to a much higher risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and more. It's pretty clear that the abundance of processed carbs and unhealthy trans-fats found in so many foods is a major cause - if not the biggest cause - of many of our modern chronic health problems. What can good carbs do for you? Simply put, if you eat only good carbs you can avoid many of the health problems that plague millions of people around the world. ? You will be healthier and fitter. ? You will feel better and have significantly more energy. ? You will lose most or all of your excess body fat. Most importantly, you'll be able to get more enjoyment out of your body and your life! Simple tips for incorporating good carbs into your diet... ? Try to cut out as much 'junk food' from your diet as possible. This includes pretty much all chips, candy, soft drinks, etc. ? Avoid - or at least limit - your intake of refined-flour baked goods, including non-whole-grain breads, bagels, doughnuts, cupcakes, brownies, cakes, etc. Also, throw out the processed, high-sugar breakfast cereals - stick to whole-grain cereals and oatmeal. ? Buy a variety of fresh fruits and veggies and begin to include at least 1 or 2 servings with each meal. Also, avoid getting hungry (and overeating) by snacking on fruit or cut-up veggies throughout the day - a single large apple can easily curb hunger. ? Try to eat a serving of leafy green vegetables at least twice a day. Also, eat a variety of other colorful vegetables as often as possible. ? Use nuts and seeds as healthy, portable snacks you can carry anywhere. Also, they can be used to add flavor and 'texture' to many different foods (especially salads). ? Eat a serving of beans or legumes at least 1-2 times per day. The dozens of different types of beans and peas can be used in hundreds of healthy recipes. Also, consider buying or making bean sprouts - they are considered to be some of the most nutritionally 'powerful' foods available! ? If you buy grain products - including breads, cereals, crackers, pastas, etc. - always choose whole-grain options. Just make sure that 'whole-grain' is the first word in the ingredients list and you'll be fine. ? When possible, always choose organic foods.
on 2/10/08 10:31 pm - Nashua, NH
WOW - you are the Carb Queen with that post. Thanks for all that valuable information and reminders of what carbs we should or should not be eating. I need to eat more apples...I like apples and they are a good carb...I just don't think about them when I am in the grocery. Anyway, thanks again for a great post. Barbara
Stephanie Smiles
on 2/12/08 12:55 am - My Town, NH
Hiya! Apples are so good for you! I like to bake them with a little brown sugar splenda and some raisins. They are a yummy dessert without too much of the bad stuff. Hugs, Stephanie
on 2/11/08 2:12 am - Inland Empire, CA
they make it so hard don't they? all the experts with their conflicting advise! i've heard the same things! I will say this though, this whole process has really converted me to the Low Carb way of life. I've felt the difference after giving up bread and pasta and been successful in controlling my cravings for the first time in my life. At this point I keep my carbs under 100, some weeks less, some more, I try to balance it. I do well with veggies, but a problem for me lies in that every time i do try to add whole grains/fiber to my diet--the scale jumps up 5 pounds! even just this week i added 1 fiber cake (@only 80 cals each!) and 1 cup of Bulgar whole grains to my menu each day--bam, here I am up 5 pounds again. annoying that i have to "pay" for the additional healthy choices and actually meeting my fiber requirements! thanks for a great article!
Stephanie Smiles
on 2/12/08 12:57 am - My Town, NH
Those pesky whole grains do it to me too! It's so hard to meet all of these requirements and still see the scale move in the right direction or even just maintain. Some weeks are certainly better than others for my carb intake! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 2/11/08 2:47 am - Far Northern, CA
Stephanie, Great information. The first 6 months of this journey I did pretty much what I was instructed as far as food goes. I was told to avoid most white foods; bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, flour etc. It served me well. I still eat a lot less of these foods then I ever did in the past. The hardest one for me is bread. I do like my bread. Thanks for the information on the good carbs. Like everyone else I sometimes get overwhelmed with all of the information out there and try to pick out the important parts. Have a great day, Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 2/12/08 12:58 am - My Town, NH
Rick, I have issues with bread too. I still enjoy bread way too much. I know if I eat it, I have less room for the good stuff and I'll be hungrier more quickly. I know of some people who still can't eat bread. I often wish I was one of them! Hugs, Stephanie
on 2/13/08 3:48 am - Cincinnati, OH
my tips would not benefit anyone because I eat crap I am not supposed to. Give me Capt. Crunch and you have made me one happy person. I usually only will have half a serving and I get the Kroger version of it and a full serv has 11 grms of sugar (why am telling you guys this???). I notice the more carbs I eat the more I want which is not a good thing. The last time I saw my surgeon and my nut they both told me to eat more times and to start eating more carbs since i did not need to lose anymore weight (never been told that in my life!). I think all I heard was eat more carbs! I need to get it under control, right now I am not picking up any weight (I am still losing--not by choice but my meds make me) but it could all back fire on me in a heart beat. Why are the valentine peeps calling my name??? Oh and the sweetheart necco wafers??? Oh well I better get back to work. Happy Valentines Day everyone! MJ
Stephanie Smiles
on 2/13/08 5:44 am - My Town, NH
Hiya MJ. That Valentine's Day candy can certainly be tricky to avoid! I know there are all kinds of websites that tell you what kind of foods you can eat to gain weight. I've never visited them but I know they are out there. My brother used to drink these protein milkshakes that had all kinds of stuff in them to help him bulk up during football season. Hugs, Stephanie
on 2/13/08 11:44 am - Cincinnati, OH
I know I need to stop losing but my head thinks I need to lose a few more pounds. I am in a size small dress, small topand 8/10 pant size. I am 5'6''. Some days I feel fat then I pass by a mirror and say gee you do not need to lose any more weight. Boy they fixed my stomach but did not fix my head issues! Happy Valentines Day! Let me be the 1st to say SF Peeps are not as good as the real things--I caved now I have gas--too mmuch darn sugar alcohol--what I get! MJ
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