Enjoying the ride.

Rick A.
on 1/30/08 12:23 pm - Far Northern, CA
Okay now most of us are at goal or certainly a lot closer to it then we ever thought we would be. I think we need to remember why we started this journey and what we plan to do with our new life. I realize some of us are still suffering with health concerns, but I think even those with their struggles have a better quality of life then they previously did. My challenge each and every day is to live life to the fullest extent possible. I need to use this gift I have been given to open up new worlds to me. I no longer have an excuse to hold back and not lead a more physically active life. I certainly can do a lot more then I could before. I have to find the ambition to go out and make it happen. There are a lot fewer limitations on me than there were in the past. Do you still find yourself holding back and not taking part in new adventures? I know I do and that is something I need to work on. Our challenge is to go out there and live life and surprise those around us as well as ourselves. So what are you willing to do or try? Life is great, Rick
on 1/30/08 9:31 pm - Nashua, NH
You up for bungee jumping, ski diving, or mountain climbing? Somehow if I weighed 100 pounds I wouldn't try some of those! Ruth Ann was going skating - wonder if she did that? I am not "settling" but am content with being able to walk wherever I want, climbing stairs, cleaning house, getting up and down from the floor...just everyday things that skinny people take for granted! But you know, even at my heaviest I have always tried to live life to the fullest extent - and as you add "possible". Life is just better if you have that attitude, but possible did limit some things like walking, climbing stairs, etc. So I am thankful for the small things I can do without difficulty and I love every day and thank God for giving me another healthy wonderful day! Thanks for keeping us thinking...Barbara
Rick A.
on 1/31/08 3:08 am - Far Northern, CA
Barbara, I agree that Ruth Ann is my hero for doing exciting things. I also agree that it is so nice to do routine activities without being out of breath. Like you, I tried to not let my obesity get in the way of me living my life. I know it did hold me back in some ways, but I tried to limit them when I could. Right now I am letting the weather keep me from walking. We have gotten 8 inches of snow since I woke up this morning. It is really nasty. I guess I should have picked a different part of California to live in. Where is all of that sunny stuff and the beaches? Oh well, this too shall pass. I'm looking forward to tulips and daffodils and all the rest of the springs bulb flowers. A temperature above 32 degrees would also be nice. Okay, I know I'm whinning. I'm done know. Have a great day, Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/30/08 10:56 pm - My Town, NH
Good morning Rick! What a great question. What am I willing to do or try? I'm not very adventurous I must admit. I never have been. I am, however, much more willing to go anywhere than I was. It's so nice to not worry about whether I fit in a chair, wonder if people will look at me and make some sort of judgement, or know that I need to eat before I go so that I don't embarass myself by eating too much. It's such a relief to have this kind of life! I do still hold back. I know I do. I still feel shy in social situations with people I don't know. I still feel insecure about my size or my appearance. I hope that, someday, the confidence I have in most of my abilities extends to those things too. I'm going to keep working on it! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 1/31/08 3:14 am - Far Northern, CA
Stephanie, I can really relate to things you have said. I thought I would be more adventurous then I am. The first time I rode a bicycle again and the wind blew through my thinning hair I thought that was really neat. All of the sudden I thought, man this is really going to hurt if I fall. I also was thrilled to ride a roller coaster again and then I thought wow is that what I really wanted to do. I'm glad I did it though. I crossed that off of my list. I also want to believe that I am less self concious about my physical appearence in a crowd, but that is a tough one. I have lots of history with being uncomfortable in a crowd. I used to always make the fat joke before someone else had a chance too. I still think when people are making disparaging comments they are talking about me. I guess we are still stuck with these head isues. One thing I now is life is so much better now then 2 years ago. I am thankful for that. Have a great day, Rick
~ Stylz ~
on 1/31/08 3:32 am - North of Boston, MA
I'm very willing to try running! at first I cringed at the thought of actually running but after meeting with Marsha (Soul Sista) for lunch and she told me how much she enjoys it, I got this motivation that I wanted to try it! of course foot problems happened and now here I am, gimping along.. We bought treadmills and I anxiously await running! another goal I'm going to work on is losing the couple lbs I gained could be the baked goods, no exercise or a combination of both, but I'm back to 130! Time to tighten the reins before it gets any higher. No baked goods next week and no over doing it on the carbs for me!
Rick A.
on 1/31/08 3:43 am - Far Northern, CA
I tried running a couple of times for a very short distance. It wasn't for me. I really enjoy my walking. I get to enjoy nature and it helps clear my mind and invigorate my soul. It is the best mental health medication I can take. I too am struggling with a few pounds I want to keep off. My wife makes the best brownies. That has been my challenge this week. I guess there will always be temptations that I must avoid. I guess that is just part of a healthier life. Have a great day, Rick
on 1/31/08 10:30 am - Mount Gilead, NC
The first vacation after wls surgery I wanted to make it to the top of the Hattaras lighthouse. Last year my goal was to ride my bike 100 miles in 7 days while at the beach. I did it in 6 days it was raining the day I got there. This Septmeber I'm seriously considering hang gliding lessons. The east coast biggest sand dune. http://www.jockeysridgestatepark.com/ Some how a giant sand dune doesn't seem all that scary. I may have a different opinion when I get to the top. I have got 8 months to phych myself up. Belinda
Rick A.
on 1/31/08 10:46 am - Far Northern, CA
Belinda, You just might be my new hero. You have done some amazing things and you have added new ones to your list. Congratulations for living life to it's fullest. You are doing great, Take care, Rick
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