Thursday's Thoughts

Stephanie Smiles
on 1/23/08 10:16 pm - My Town, NH
Is it Thursday already? Wow! I've been so crazed at work this week. Time has really flown. Most of my weight struggles have little to do with my physical body. They reside in my mind. I struggle daily with my body image, self-esteem, and this crazy journey we've all taken. It's very difficult for me to focus on the the huge amount of weight that I have lost rather than focus on the fact that I am still obese. When I look in the mirror, I don't see a smaller or more attractive version of myself. Yes, I do think I look better. And, I KNOW that I feel better than I did 145 pounds ago. I don't ever want to go back. But, I wonder if I'll ever get there. I've come to realize that my original goal of 160 is not realistic. I've had round one of plastics. While I think my breast reduction was completely successful, I'm not pleased with my arms. I still won't be able to wear short sleeved shirts this summer unless my arms change drastically. So now I need to begin the journey of acceptance. Some of what happens to my body I can control. I can still try to lose more weight. I can certainly keep myself from gaining. I can exercise regularly. I can take my vitamins to keep myself healthy. Beyond these things, I'm not sure that there is much I can do to force myself into a 160 pound body. I absolutely will see onederland at some point and hopefully lower than that. So I need to work on loving myself as I am. I found the tips below and I thought they were a great way to boost self-esteem. I hope they help you too! We need to find the wonderful in ourselves. It's so easy to see it in others. Let's all see it in ourselves today! Hugs, Stephanie ************************************************************************** Self-esteem Boosters The following is a simple, but effective list of suggestions to help develop decision making skills and to strengthen self-esteem I forgive myself. It is OK to make mistakes. I go easy on myself. I will learn from my mistakes. I ask for help when I need it, from people who I know will help me. I can laugh at myself. I will show others my sense of humor. I will remember that my thoughts are important; they are unique. My feelings are also important; there is no right or wrong feeling. I will believe in myself. I will trust myself. I have the right to make certain decisions, other decisions I will discuss with someone who is responsible. I honor myself. I treat myself with respect. I will be kind to myself. I no longer have to seek others approval. I will be a friend to myself. I am in good company when I am alone, because I am with me. I will try to meet life's challenges openly and positively. I will do a good deed. I will be sensitive to people with differences. I will remind myself about what I am grateful for in life. I will find time to dream, and put my dreams into reality.
on 1/23/08 10:41 pm - Nashua, NH
Thanks Stephanie - those are some great self-esteem boosters. As for you Stephanie - no one would ever want to meet a more sweeter, kinder, considerate, and beautiful individual. You look wonderful - I can see it on the outside and I certainly know it is true on the inside! You have come so far and you aren't through with the journey yet, but you will get there. I too struggle with some of the things you do. I don't know if I will ever get to one-derland, but I know I am better than I was at 379+ pounds. I feel better, my lab work is excellent as well as my health so I will have to settle perhaps with some of those things rather than continuing to think I will ever weigh 160 pounds! I am a happy mother, grandmother, and especially happy wife to have my wonderful husband. I feel like finding happiness with my second marriage was as equal to losing all this weight - both being a major part of my life. So I will be happy with whatever I happen to end up with. Speaking of getting to happy with the weight is day 3 of the 5DPT and the pugs have not yet been salted, peppered and microwaved! They continue to live! Now I can't say the same for Charlie the Tuna because he is going down at lunch today! Have my mixed up tuna, hard boiled eggs, and fish tonight lined up for day 3. I actually was hungry yesterday morning, but not the rest of the day once I got the protein shake in. So 2 more days after today and we will see what the results will be! Thanks again for such a great post...Barbara
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/24/08 9:08 pm - My Town, NH
I'm glad you liked the self-esteem boosters. I thought they were helpful! Thanks for the compliments. I happen to think you're beautiful inside and out as well! You're doing so well on the pouch test. I'm very proud of you! I hope you enjoyed Charlie and am glad the pugs were saved. I can't wait to see what your results are. Hugs, Stephanie
~ Stylz ~
on 1/23/08 11:44 pm - North of Boston, MA
I second what Barbara said! you're a wonderful person inside and out Stephanie and no matter if you get to your goal or remain where you are you'll still be that wonderful person! Feel great about your accomplishments and know how many years you've added on to your life by losing the amazing amount of weight you have! you're dedicated to your exercise, more than I could ever be. reading about your spinning or weight training or cardio work outs inspire me! I enjoy working out at times, but my energy level never "came out of the wls closet" like most say it happened to them so I still lack energy most days (maybe thats where the remaining of my energy goes, reading your workouts poop me out lol). Its been great getting to know you and actually getting together a few times (which we really need to do again), remind yourself of your progress and from ear to ear!
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/24/08 9:10 pm - My Town, NH
Thanks! I'm afraid my exercise has been awful this week. I didn't make it to either spinning class and I haven't been to the gym all week either! Not very inspirational for sure! If I can get this exercise routine thing figured out, I'll feel much better. Work is so crazy right now that I'm finding it difficult to fit in work, home, exercise, school. Something has to give and it's usually exercise. I'd love to plan another get-together in March. I'm traveling most of February but March will calm down a bit. Let's pick a date! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 1/24/08 1:47 am - Far Northern, CA
Stephanie, I third what the others have said. You are a wonderful person. You are always upbeat and you cheer us on. Your exercise routine is certainly motivational to me. Thank you for this tips on self esteem. I too suffer from low self esteem. I have tried to come out of my shell a bit and maybe I have. I still don't see myself as a skinnier person. With that said I almost cried when I tried on a shirt the other day that was a medium and it fit perfectly. I have been wearing size medium for several months, but it still just really amazes me. I need to accept me for what I am. On another note, my wife was looking at my avatar the other day and said I don't look anything like that any more. I don't know. In my mind that is still how I look. I had to get a new driver's license photo this month because I was afraid they would'nt let me on an airplane. I don't feel like I look like the person on my new driver's license photo (does anyone). I think I look garri****'s not what I see in my minds eye of me at all. I guess I will have to get used to it. Enough rambling. Have a great day. Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/24/08 9:14 pm - My Town, NH
Hi Rick. Thanks for the compliments! I think you should update your avatar! We would all like to tell you how great you look to echo your wife's words I'm sure. I understand the "garrish" reference. There's something about seeing yourself minus all those pounds. I especially see that in my face from time to time. I had to get my picture renewed last summer due to the same plane boarding fear. When I take out my license, I almost think it isn't mine! What an accomplishment to wear a medium shirt! Good for you! Who you are is pretty amazing. We're fortunate to have you. Hugs, Stephanie
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