Waterful Wednesday!

Stephanie Smiles
on 1/22/08 9:43 pm - My Town, NH
Is water wonderful? Almost every article I read about weightloss and weight maintenance mentions the importance of water. I'm amazed by how much more water I drink now than I did before surgery. It used to be difficult to get in even 24 ounces of water a day and now I wake up wanting water, water, water. I use crystal light sometimes if I feel like I'm getting bored but more and more I just want plain, cold water! I also used to dehydrate very easily. At least four times a year I would catch a bug and become so dehydrated that I ended up in the emergency room with an IV to replenish fluids. I'm happy to say that hasn't happend since surgery. A definite benefit in my book! Monday through Friday, I try to drink two of my Nalgene water bottles between 8 and 5 which is my miminum of 64 ounces. I don't do quite as well on the weekends. What do you do to make sure you're drinking lots of good water? Any helpful hints for us? The article below reminds us of the health benefits of water consumption. Here's to a wonderful, water-filled Wednesday! (substitute water for the beer!) Hugs, Stephanie ***************************************************** Weight Loss Benefits of Drinking Water Drinking water and losing weight! "Drink 8 glasses of water each day" is what we hear all the time but what weight loss benefits do we get from drinking water? All functions within the body require the presence of water. A well hydrated body enables these functions to occur quickly and efficiently. All chemical processes involve energy metabolism and drinking plenty of water will make us feel more energetic and boost our metabolic rate. Water makes your metabolism burn calories 3% faster. Drinking water is important if you're trying to lose weight, some studies have shown that thirst and hunger sensations are triggered together. If there is a slight dehydration the thirst mechanism may be mistaken for hunger and one may eat when the body is actually craving fluid. As most food contains some water, if one doesn't drink much they may be subconsciously driven to eat more to gain the necessary water supply however, you also gain the undesired effects of increased calorie consumption. Drinking more water can help to prevent overeating and benefit weight loss. Importance of drinking water in the modern diet So many new food product created today not only contain high amounts of energy from added sugar and fats, they also contain very little water. Foods today need to be stored for longer periods and foods with a high water content tend to spoil much faster, think about milk, yogurt, eggs, fruits and vegetables. It may be great to think that we can stock our cupboards full of all these tasty foods that last for months, trouble is, it means less water consumption from foods. If a weight loss diet doesn't allow much food or if food consumption is mainly in the form of processed, TV dinners it may be necessary to drink even more water to help stop strong cravings for food. How Much do I need to drink to benefit losing weight? For the average person experts suggest getting at least 64 ounces of water daily or eight 8-ounce glasses. If you are on a diet to lose weight it is more important to consume more and keep drinking water throughout the day, unless you have any medical condition that doesn't allow much water intake. A good guide for daily intake is to drink 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of body weight. A 200 pound person should be drinking around 100 ounces (12.5 cups) of water in order the gain the benefits of increased energy and metabolism. If exercising is part of a weight loss program a bit more water should be included to account for water loss from sweating. Drinking water before, during and after exercise will keep energy levels high and help recovery after training. Many people don't like drinking pure water. Gaining water from eating fruit high in water content is a great way to boos****er consumption without drinking it directly. Fruit will also help fill up the stomach with low calories and gain tons of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to increase vitality. In fact any food with high water content can boos****er consumption, most foods high in water are naturally occurring, healthy foods, another reason to eat a healthy diet! Try adding flavors to your water for a better tasting beverage! Health benefits of drinking water: regulate appetite increase metabolism boost energy levels less water retention alleviate some headaches help reduce blood pressure help reduce high cholesterol ease joint pain decrease in risk of some cancers less chance developing kidney stones release toxic waste products improves skin
on 1/22/08 9:54 pm - Nashua, NH
WOW - I knew water was good...didn't realize it was THIS good! Thanks for the research on this subject. I wondered what the "W" word for Wednesday would be! Looking forward to the "T" word for Thursday and "F" word for Friday! So today is day 2 of the 5DPT....I woke up this morning and for just a second contemplated salting, peppering and microwaving the pugs, but decided against it! Funny I really wasn't hungry yesterday, but did wake up early this morning hungry! Have had 2 pieces of gum so far for the "chewing"!!! Yesterday I had 4 bottles of water, 2 protein shakes, 2 sugar free popcicles, cup of sugar free cocoa and 2 bowls chicken broth. More of that fun is planned for today - minus the microwaved pugs! Tomorrow I am having fish for dinner and tuna, egg and mayo during the day. Can't wait for the good meat/protein on Friday and Saturday! Thanks again for the water update and reminding us how important it is. Barb
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/22/08 10:26 pm - My Town, NH
You are so brave and I am very impressed! Only one more day and then you can get to the good stuff. You can do it. I'm not sure the pugs would be good microwaved. They might be kind of tough and your pouch would rebel. I think you could try baking them slowly in cream of mushroom soup. However, they are truly adorable and I'm quite sure that you would miss them. So I'm betting that you make it through the day and enjoy your protein tomorrow! I'm thinking of giving this a try but not sure I can stick to it! Hang in there! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 1/23/08 12:41 am - Far Northern, CA
Stephanie, Great information on water. The way I am sure to get in my water is I always have it in front of me. It reminds me to drink, drink, drink. I usually drink one liter of plain water and then two liters of flavored water. My wife and I went to the Dollar Store yesterday and we bought 24 boxes (10 pouches to a box) of sugar free Hawaiian Punch, raspberry and lemonade single pouch servings. It is nice to change things around a bit. Before the surgery I used to drink quite a bit of soda and I haven't had a whole soda in two years. I really don't miss it now. Sometimes I miss the ice tea. There is really no reason to not to drink it now, I just got out of the habit. I used to always drink it when we went out to eat, but now I don't drink when I eat so I don't think about it too much. Have a great day, Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/23/08 1:29 am - My Town, NH
Hi Rick! I haven't tried the sugar free Hawaiian Punch. I'll have to give it a shot. I haven't had soda in two years either. I only miss it when I'm working an event and I'm exhausted. I used to have a regular, full-strength Coca Cola the afternoon before a big event. I still miss that sometimes, but I don't miss the way soda made me feel. I do drin****d tea, especially in the summer. And, every morning I have a cup of English Breakfast tea for the caffeine since I don't drink coffee. It's funny how much I crave water now. Before surgery I craved anything BU****er! Enjoy the day! Hugs, Stephanie
on 1/23/08 9:46 am - Cincinnati, OH
I know I should drink more water but I just hate to. I am not sure if it has something t do when I was sicker and it jut took too uch energy and was too painful to just walk about 20 ft or less to the rr. I am trying to do better now that I am back to work but I still have not too good.
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/23/08 11:01 pm - My Town, NH
Hiya! I think it's something that we have to work up to. Maybe you could try increasing a little each day. Perhaps one or two more ounces each day would help! I know it took me a long time to get up to the 64 ounces during the day. Don't give up! Hugs, Stephanie
on 1/23/08 9:55 am - Mount Gilead, NC
I have found the biggest coffee cup I could find. It holds 27 ounce. I make diluted hot chocolate with mostly water and about 5 ounce of skim milk, unsweetened cocoa powder and splenda. I drink one in morning and at night. That's 54 ounces in 2 shots, but my brain registers 2 cups. I also drink flavored water and hot tea during the day. I like the Refresh(mint Tea) from starbucks. No caffeine. I also do better during the week vs. the weekend. I think the schedule of the day keeps me on track. Belinda
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/23/08 11:03 pm - My Town, NH
Hi Belinda. I love peppermint tea also. It's yummy and doesn't need sugar or anything. Herbal tea definitely counts toward my water intake...so my nutritionist says. I'm with you on the schedule thing. I do better with everything during the week! Have a great day. Hugs, Stephanie
~ Stylz ~
on 1/23/08 11:35 pm - North of Boston, MA
aren't those Nalgene wonderful!! I found a post a while back on a spa site how they make water with cucumber and lemon. Very refreshing!!
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