Manic Monday!

Stephanie Smiles
on 1/20/08 9:56 pm - My Town, NH
How was everyone's weekend? Did you follow your rules for success this weekend? What are your plans to stay on track this week? I'm focusing on fitness this week and trying my hardest to get this body, smaller than it once was, moving. I found these tips on a British fitness website. Some of them made me smile (I like the idea of finding someone's "bum" an inspiration!) and others were just great advice. What kind of fitness plan have you created for yourself? Mine is comprised of cardio/weights at the gym and spinning classes. I try to spin twice a week and hit the gym three times per week. Some weeks are certainly better than others! I hope this week is a great one. Mondays are very hopeful days for me. It's the beginning of a new work week and I have the opportunity to meet my goals. Let's go after those goals! Have a wonderful Monday! Hugs, Stephanie ********************************************************* It's a fine line that divides motivational success or failure. Missing one evening's training could start the slide back to the sofa rather than going out running, swimming or whatever activity you had planned. Here are our top tips to keep you motivated, no matter what! 1. Set goals for your fitness and be specific The more specific the better. For example, aim to complete a running or swimming event, or to lose two inches off your waist rather than just generally aiming to get fit. You are more likely to fulfill your goals, if they are specific. Be realistic with your goals but make them hard enough to be a good challenge. Strike the balance - an unrealistic goal will kill motivation but a goal that is too easily achieved will lead to boredom. 2. Get a training plan! This will give you a daily goal, even if sometimes it is just telling you to rest. You could get one from a personal trainer, or you could download one from the online shop. A structured plan will increase your motivation and your chances of success. 3. A huge de-motivator is if you overtrain. Don't increase the duration or intensity of your training too quickly as you will soon become disinterested or injure yourself. This is another reason to get a proper training plan. 4. Role models Find out what totally motivates you and then surround yourself with it! It could be photos of inspiring sportspeople, men's or women's magazines, or Kylie's bum - whatever works for you! Place these things where you can see them every day. 5. Record your progress Keeping a logbook of your gym visits, running times, swimming pool visits, or whatever, will keep you focused on the tasks in hand and allow you to accurately check your progress. Many people regularly review their logs to provide motivation for the future. 6. Cross-train Nothing is more likely to keep you going than adding some variety to your fitness training. Look at what else you can do - running, walking, cycling, rowing and swimming all add to your training and improve flexibility, strength and general fitness. 7. Go shopping! New gear can equal a new you, which can subsequently result in improved motivation and performance. Get out to your sports or fitness specialist and find out what's new in-store. A new top, shorts or shoes could inspire you to keep going. The better you look the better you feel and you are much more likely to keep motivated. 8. Make it social After a fitness session, treat yourself with a drink at the pub or by meeting up with friends for dinner - you deserve it! 9. Get a pedometer for the daytime Current thinking suggests 10,000 steps per day are needed for good health. Try walking whenever you can in your day - you will be further motivated as you see the steps clock-up! 10. Visualise your success If you picture yourself achieving your goal and what it will feel like, those images and feelings will help to motivate you to achieving them. Picture yourself feeling amazing as you achieve your goal!
on 1/20/08 10:06 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Good morning Stephanie. I had a good weekend, i see you read my previous post. Thanks! I'm very thrilled with my results so far. I feel now like losing more weight is now possible. I still don't know what the right weight will be, just didn't feel 170's was it. I am more comfortable with the 160's for sure. The plan for the week is to keep doing what I've been doing. Keep at the protein, water and exercise. The plan is to keep telling myself when I see something that looks good that I know I shouldn't have that "It's not worth it" and keep passing it by as I have been doing. I think that is making a big difference too. I think at times we think that just a little taste will be ok, or one bite, or only today. But today turns into tomorrow and you might do it again. So I keep telling myself "It's not worth it" and move on. Have a great day. I have the day off for MLK day so will been enjoying the extra long weekend. Take care.
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/21/08 1:43 am - My Town, NH
Ruth Ann, it must be a great feeling to have! I'm still in the hopeful stage. I guess I'm not certain it's possible that I can lose more weight. I'd love to see some results and become more sure that it will happen! You're so right about that "little taste". I try to think carefully and decide if I really want something or if I just want to eat it because it's there. Enjoy your day off! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 1/20/08 10:52 pm - Far Northern, CA
Stephanie, Thanks for taking on the posting duties. My plan is just to keep on doing what I have been doing and remember a treat is okay if it is really a treat and not a habit and only if it is in moderation. Those are also some great motivational points listed. Have a great day. Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/21/08 1:44 am - My Town, NH
Rick, your plan is working very well for you! Moderation is certainly the key to many things in life. I tend to be an all or nothing person so I've learned a lot throughout this journey about moderation. It feels great to get a handle on that concept! Have a wonderful day in CA! Hugs, Stephanie
on 1/21/08 2:57 am - Inland Empire, CA
Hi Stephanie, Great tips! My fitness plan is to keep varying my workouts and continue focusing on "toning." I added weights a few months ago and have been really happy with the results so far. It used to bore me, but I find it challenging now. I am guilty of overtraining, i ended up over doing it and hurting my back a few months back and paying for it! It stinks, it's hard to hold back after so long of NOT being able to workout, but everything in moderation right? even exercise, lol. I'm so impressed with your continued spinning! To me that's THE most hard core workout! Good for you!
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/21/08 3:24 am - My Town, NH
Rebeka, toning is one of my goals as well. I like how weight lifting defines my body. Keep it up and you're right about moderation!! Spinning is indeed an amazing workout and I'm surprised that I can even keep up! But I do enjoy it though it's sometimes tough to drag myself to class after a day of working. Have a great Monday! Hugs, Stephanie
~ Stylz ~
on 1/23/08 11:18 pm - North of Boston, MA
your gym habits inspire me! for your accomplishments girl!! My goal every week seems to stay the same.. stop making baked goods. they're not unhealthy baked goods (ie. last weeks oatmeal bread made with steel cut oats and a scoop of protein), just too many added carbs in a day.. maybe its compensation for S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder), maybe its because carbs feel good in the pouch, not sure, but there are better options so I'll keep working at that! What a great list of motivators! I look back at pre-op pictures from time to time just to remember where I was at one point in my life, look through post-op pics and see what this road has been. Its not only motivational to keep going, but it reminds me eat right!
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