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Rick A.
on 1/6/08 12:22 pm - Far Northern, CA
Hello all, By popular demand Barbara and I will resume our posts. First I would like to say that I hope each of you have had and enjoyable holiday season. I know I did. I also would like to mention how great it has been to see the forum continue to be active. We have recently seen some lurkers and old timers come out of hiding and it has been terrific. We are all certainly here for one another. So on with the post. "Inertia" definition - a body at rest tends to stay at rest or if a body is in motion it tends to continue on with that motion. So what does this mean for us? If we are just ignoring all of the good habits we were suppose to have learned we will end up with the same results we have always achieved. However, if we are progressing to our goal or maintaining our goals we are moving in the right direction and will continue to move in that direction. Unfortunately this law of physics also works the other way. If we are not following the rules and are on a path of bad habits it takes drastic measures to correct our ways. It would be hard but it can be done. Many people make New Year's resolution. It is a time of new beginnings. If you need to change your ways now is the time to do it. Why not choose to be healthier and thus happier in the New Year. We are here to help if we can. Thank you to each of you for your continued support. Life is great, Rick P.S. Tomorrow I will report on my experience with my 5 day pouch test and give you the results.
on 1/6/08 7:18 pm - Nashua, NH
You beat me to it! I had my quote ready to go: The thought is not the act......Joan Ebbitt This goes along with your thoughts of New Year's resolutions and new beginnings. Now is the time to change your ways and not just THINK about it...but DO IT!!! I can't wait until tomorrow to hear about your 5 day pouch test. My thoughts about doing it haven't come to fruition YET...but will. I was driving home Thursday afternoon and my nose and throat suddenly started burning and by 7:00 that night I was into full-blown cold mode! I don't think I have felt so bad in I can't remember when - I know I didn't have the flu because I have had no fever - even had the flu shot - but I stayed home from work Friday and for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I did absolutely nothing but perch my big bottom on the couch, cuddled up with the pugs and allowed my sweet husband to wait on me. I have no appetite and have been drinking some, but not much. Today I dragged into work, but really don't feel like being here. Now my hubby has come down with it and he stayed home from work today. So I didn't go to the grocery, still don't have the stuff to start the 5-day pouch test but am going to one day this week when my "feel bad" doesn't hurt anymore! I do have an appointment with the trainer at the gym I joined on Wednesday and hope I will feel better then and make that appointment. So I am ready for new beginnings, just a little slow getting on the horse...but I have one leg up and the other one trying to jump on!!!! Thanks for taking the lead this week! Barbara
Rick A.
on 1/6/08 11:39 pm - Far Northern, CA
Barbara, I'm sorry you haven't felt well. I hope you are on the mend. I can say that I really haven't been sick since I had the surgery. I think taking all of the vitamins has helped me. I'm am so proud of you for joining the gym. I still haven't taken that step yet. I can tell you I am VERY happy with the results of the pouch test, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow for the whole story. Take it easy and I hope you are feeling better, Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/7/08 2:43 am - My Town, NH
UGH! I'm so sorry you haven't felt well. That's not fun at all! I'm glad you pug-cuddled and let John take care of you. You probably needed the rest. Keep taking it easy until you feel 100 percent. The trainer at the gym will help you tremendously. I know that the training sessions I had helped me feel comfortable with the equipment, taught me how to breathe while working out, and also taught me which muscles to work and when to work them to maximize my workouts. It was all very helpful information. Unfortunately, my last trainer was such a flake that I'm a little put off! I'm going to keep trying on my own before starting up with someone else. Hubby and I managed both weekend days at the gym and we will go tonight together. I was too sleepy to go this morning so I called him a while ago to see if he wanted to go tonight with me rather than headed over by himself this afternoon. It's a date! I'm committed to working hard and eating well. I hope that's enough to make that scale begin moving in the downward direction! Feel-better-soon hugs, Stephanie
~ Stylz ~
on 1/7/08 7:32 am - North of Boston, MA
sorry to hear about your cold Barbara, Feel bettter (tell John the same ) thats great news about the trainer, new year, new membership at the gym, great motivation for your second surgiversary
on 1/7/08 8:32 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Barb, I hope you will be feeling better soon. I'm wondering about the great weather we are having here, how many of us will soon be sick. It was so beautiful today and suppose to break a record weather wise. It wasin the 60's and suppose to be again tomorrow. You quote mentioed today reminds me of my favorite which I have posted in the past. "You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind". I just love that quote. We can think about eating right and exercising all we want, but thinking about it, isn't doing it. We cannot get results from mulling it over. It's like NIKE says.. "Just Do It". It is hard to be 100% all the time, but if we keep at it, not just think about it, we can do it! None of us want to go back to our old ways. It is hard making change and even when we do, we tend to go back to old habits after awhile. That is where we need to not just think about what we know we should be doing, but that is when we need to do it. Thanks for your posts. Both you and Rick. Feel better and good luck with the trainer!!
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/7/08 2:38 am - My Town, NH
Welcome back! I'm so impressed with your stick-to-it-ness on that 5 day pouch test. I don't think I could do it! Especially the liquid part! I despise cottage cheese. So that would be tough as well. Congratulations and I can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow. Have a great week! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 1/7/08 3:23 am - Far Northern, CA
Stephanie, It really wasn't that hard at all. It is just a mindset, I think. I also do not like cottage cheese by itself. I mix it with a little lite bannana/strawberry yogurt and half of a bannana. I can't tell how good that tasted this morning after not having any for almost a week. It was better then ice cream (did I say that?) Take care, Rick
~ Stylz ~
on 1/7/08 7:28 am - North of Boston, MA
glad to see our motivation posts will continue can't wait to hear about your results from the pouch test, have a good day!
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