Dairy is becoming a BIG problem
Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem. Up until about 3 months ago, I had no problems
what so ever drinking or eating milk products. Now all of a sudden I am experencing what can only be called severe dumping.
My blood sugar drops, I get the shakes (really bad), my heart starts racing and i feel like a good barf
session would help. This can and usually does last for up to 2 or more hours.
So what happened? Is this typical and will it pass or am I just not going to be able to handle milk and will I need to stop drinking/eating dairy and increase my calcium intake?
Your thoughts would be MUCH appreciated.

this hasn't happened to me, but I get similar symptoms 1.5 hours after I eat foods that are too high in refined carbs (white pasta, rice, bread, chips, pretzles, shredded wheat, etc), it also happens to people who eat sugary foods, 1.5-2 hrs later their blood sugar drops. after finding a post on the grads board, I found it was called Reactive Hypoglycemia.
heres my post on the grads board if you wanted to compare symptoms
good luck and hope you feel better soon!