Get over with it..get jiggy with it!

on 12/30/07 8:28 pm - Nashua, NH
OK and tomorrow - get over with it. Eat whatever it is you think you can't eat again for 6 months...get all the bad stuff out of your house that has been left pre and post Christmas. Give it to a soup kitchen or the trashman...whatever it takes. Cleanse out your house and get ready to cleanse out your bodies! Wednesday - get jiggy with it! I don't particularly like New Year's resolutions because they work so well the first few days and then they go by the wayside. Remember pre-surgery - didn't we all make the resolution to lose weight...didn't we say - "this will be the year"...didn't we say - "we will exercise"???? Yeah, ok, maybe it worked for a week or two, but before long we were back into our old routines, gaining back the few pounds we lost during the first few days of January, letting all that money go down the drain when we joined a gym or Curves or whatever. So thankfully we all made the decision to have WLS...and wham, bam, thank you ma'am....all that wonderful weight fell off. It was so easy at first...ahhhh...the good days! Well ladies and our few gentlemen....we maybe have been messing around with food a little more lately and either haven't lost weight or perhaps gained a few pounds. OVER, OVER, OVER....let's get jiggy with it! Do whatever it takes beginning Wednesday (or today if you wish) and let's plan our plan...let's put it in motion...and by golly - let's see where we are in 2 months right before we hit our 2 year surgery-versaries!!!! Let's see who maintains the next 2 months, let's see who loses the next 2 months...and let's chart our progress much like we did in the beginning. Perhaps STYLZ will begin again her "WDYET" series, Ruth Ann will keep up exercise motivated and Stephanie Smiles, Rick and myself will continue our motivational posts. Surely to goodness with the 5 of us as preliminary motivators - along with all the comments we solicit from all of our MARCHers - will continue to unite our group in friendship, provide support for all of us and we will continue our successful journeys. So in closing...get over with it today and tomorrow and get jiggy with it for the rest of January and February - at which point we will re-evaluate at the beginning of March and see where we need to go and what we need to do!!! Let's everyone try to post at least once a week with your progress, thoughts, concerns, needs, goals and TOGETHER let's DO IT!!!! Hugs to all....Barbara
~ Stylz ~
on 12/31/07 3:23 am - North of Boston, MA
lets get Jiggy! I gained 2 lbs last week, no exercise isn't a good thing until my foots better I'll have to deal with the gain and then take the bull by the horns! my goals for the new year is to stop with artificial sweeteners, I read a book about how bad they all are and what they do to your body and brain. Having surgery was to lose weight, to me thats only half the battle, so I'm on to the other half, eating right! Of course I eat much less since surgery, but there are days (more now than before) that I can make a better decision with meals than what I am right now. I bought stevia and have been using it, its been used in China and other countries for hundreds of years with no side effects. Its a different taste than sugar or splenda, but if I could adjust to that, I can adjust to this. My other goal this year is to stick to complex, whole grains instead of refined and processed foods. I just started reading a book called "refined to real food" each chapter of food has a chart, almost like a good, better, best foods to eat, hopefully it will open my mind more to better foods to eat Exercise will be the last key for me. Once my foot is 100% I'll be on that treadmill walkin, walkin and eventually running! I downloaded "from couch potato to 5k" and its patiently waiting to be used I'll participate in helping get everyone (and myself) back on track by posting the WDYET post again, hopefully it helps and people join in Maybe we dedicate the Friday motivational post to a weekly progress post to get everyone to come out and let us know how they're doing? I read a great article about cold winter walking and wanted to share.. Cold Weather Walking Winter can be the perfect time to walk off weight, and sticking with your usual exercise routine is one of the best ways to boost your chances of starting the New Year fit and trim. If you've gotten used to walking outdoors in the summer, switching to a different activity for winter can make your weight loss even more of a struggle. Finding a new activity may mean organizing your day differently or doing something that you're not as comfortable with--all during an already chaotic and stressful time. Research shows that people who lose weight and keep it off do so by exercising the equivalent of walking 3 to 4 miles a day. No matter what the weather, they find a way. Walking in the winter offers you a refreshing change of pace. The invigorating cold air can clear your mind and reduce stress, which can be helpful for weight loss. Research shows that stress can increase levels of cortisol, a hormone that may increase appetite and promote fat storage. Getting outside during daylight hours also increases levels of serotonin, a hormone that helps calm cravings. Even if you have to walk slower because of the weather, you may be burning more calories. And trudging through snow or walking into the wind takes more energy. Winter weather requires some special preparation. Keep these tips in mind: Allow at least 10 minutes to warm up. When it's cold, your heart and muscles need more time to get ready. Wear a scarf or mask loosely over your nose and mouth to prevent the sting of icy cold air when you inhale. This is especially important if you have asthma or heart problems. Choose shoes with lugged soles for traction, and buy an inexpensive pair of ski or walking poles to help keep your balance. (The poles will also help you burn extra calories because your upper body is getting a workout too.) Take your workout indoors if you'd be risking frostbite (temperatures around -20 degrees F, including any wind-chill), if it's icy, or if you'd encounter dangerous traffic. High-tech synthetic fabrics make a big difference in comfort; they're worth the investment. You'll be much happier and more energized if you're warm and dry instead of cold and wet!
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