Wow.. I guess its been awhile
I got a Christmas cards from Styles... Wondering were I have been
Oppssss..... Well its been awhile, I am doing well now, I did get sick for awhile and it took a bit for the dr to figure out what was wrong with me (A few months) My Thyroid had stopped working. so I am now on meds for it and I am Feeling so much better.
I have also been busy being the new Librarian at my daughters school.. It is fun, but exhausting some days. Though my daughter thinks it is so cool that her mom is the librarian
Finally, My weight is doing well I had lost a total of 215 pounds as of November, I have since gained 4 pounds, Now usually that would have me really bummed out, but I do have an excuse. And I know excuses are not good, but really I do have a great one... Wanna know what it is????.... I am finally after 6 years of praying and crying and trying going to have a BABY
We are very excited
Anyhow I'm sorry I have not been around much but Am going to try harder.. I miss ya guys