Our STYLZ in surgery!
Send good thoughts and prayers to our surgery buddy and map keeper STYLZ today. She is having surgery this morning on her foot and will be on crutches and in a cast for 6-8 weeks. Thank goodness it isn't major surgery, but actually any surgery is major in my mind!
So send her good thoughts and you have her address on the card list - so let's shower her with get well cards. If you don't have her address - email me on this forum and I will send you her address.
Best wishes STYLZ! Your surgery buddy Barb....
thanks everyone!
I'm home and resting with the ice pack and meds! the pain was bad, but she changed the packing on Friday and so much pressure was lifted! no weight bearing until atleast the first week in Jan (my next appt with her) and boy do crutches tucker you out!! I went to my appt on Friday, breakfast and the dentist (was gone about 4 hours), came home and took 2 naps! trying to recoop from a cold too, hopefully its gone by Christmas
happy holidays to everyone, be safe, enjoy it with loved ones and best wishes to everyone for a happy healthy new year!