Where are you...???

on 12/18/07 2:01 am - Nashua, NH
MarJean, Robin, Pat T, Laura A. LuLu, Kim, Danni, Soul Sista, Melissa, Trish, Laura A., Kim, Darlene, Tamara, Ice M., Ruth, Jeani, Shari, Sheila, Cherie, Kathy, Emile, and anybody else we haven't heard from in a while. Try to stop in and let us know how you are doing...we miss you!
on 12/18/07 7:56 am - Cincinnati, OH
I am doing better. No wait I am doing great! I had a neurologist appointment last Monday and the dr was suprised on how well I was doing since we started the Plasma Exchange. He said I could go back to work in Jan. well my employer has been kind enough to hold my job since April well HR said they could not hold it past today. I convinced my dr to let me go back to work today. It felt good to be amoung the laand of the living again. Didn't do anything because they deactivated all my passowrds/user ID's and it takes a few days to get set back up. All I did today was go over some new policies and procedures. Took a nap in the lounge around lunch. I am not used to being up for hours at a time! Still on prednisone but only 10 mg every other day, my immune suppressent and instead of doing my Plasma Ex everyother week I will now go every 3 wks but if I start feeling like I am relasping I have to go in sooner for the PE. For the longest time I kept thinking that I needed to lose 10-15 more pounds well I change my mind when I was trying on clothes at Macy's Friday. I realized I am skinny enough (this will make my dr's and my mom happy) I got my butt in a size 10 pant and a med sweater (the mirrors in Macy's are not very forgiving). My surgeon even said I might not want to lose anymore weight because once I got off the steriods I would probably drop 10-20 pounds. Thanks for asking how I was doing. MJ
on 12/18/07 7:19 pm - Nashua, NH
AHHH...MJ...glad you were able to go to work yesterday. Bless your heart...you have had a time, but it sounds like you can see the light at the end of the tunnel!! Take care of yourself dear...we are all routing for you! Hugs to you, Barbara
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/18/07 9:54 pm - My Town, NH
MJ, so glad to hear some good news! Continue to take care of yourself. Way to go on that size 10! WOW! Great job! Merry Christmas! Hugs, Stephanie
on 12/20/07 12:56 pm - Cincinnati, OH
thanks for the kind words.
on 12/19/07 8:54 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Barb, Checking in. I've been around, I do check the posts almost daily, just don't always know what to say. Went through the spell of feeling isolated, not part of anything. Don't know why. Been having depression I guess you would call it. I seem to get down every couple of weeks. Just feel sad for no reason, then stuff just makes me angry. Nothing particular going on, life is great, so why do I feel bad? I've never been this emotional, or as I would say unstable. I have gotten close to going to the doctor and just asking for something to make me feel better, but I generally don't believe in medication to adjust emotions, so this is a toughy for me. And then I think, well I'm fine today, tomorrow, so it's not necessary, but then it happens again for a few days. It makes me not want to go to work, but I go because I need to, I don't want to be the old me. I guess that is part of it too, I'm feeling the old me coming back and it scares me. And then the new responsibilities in life are there, the new things I do, that I never did and I guess it causes me stress, but it shouldn't. UGH!! LOL It's this vicious circle it seems. I like my job, it's great, the best I ever had, but when I feel like I do at times, it just ruins it and I worry I'm going to ruin everything and be the old me, not giving a damn about how what I do affects others. The first class of being back to school went great. I got A's on all 3 tests and an A for final grade. So proud of that, and I registered on Monday for my next course. I've been struggling with hating the fact that I can eat, that I want to eat and that I do. I had finally broken that 170 lbs goal I had set, got to 169 twice, for one day and now for two months I've been bouncing between 171 and 176. It drives me insane. I want to eat like I used to, just a tiny bit, and not have so many choice, be able to eat as many things. I guess I'm in the honeymoon is over phase huh? Maybe that is part of the feeling sad thing. It's a constant thought process all day long, wanting to eat, feeling bad for wanting to do that, then eating and feeling bad I ate ( especially if it wasn't the best choice). I know the choices I should make, but don't always make them. I don't make terrible choices, or over eat or eat large amounts, but it seems like now that I have to practicallyl starve myself to not gain a pound. It somehow doesnt seem right. I guess being between 170 and 175 isn't a terrible thing, but I had hoped for at least another 10 to 15 lbs. And now with the holidays here, there are so many goodies around and I've been having some cookies, chocolates etc. So you sure you wanted to hear from me? LOL I guess things are not that bad in the overall, its just some days are frustrating more than others. I just long and miss the weight dropping off days. I've been trying the past few weeks to get back to the gym. I'll manage to get there once a week and per usual the past year or so, I get there and I"m like why don't I keep doing this, I enjoy it! But after a long day at work, and especially with it dark so early, I just don't get movtivated to get there. So the back to the gym plan goes out the window. I think that would make the difference, like I said I'm not eating terribly, just no exercise does not help. Otherwise life is great. DH is the most wonderful man in the world, I'm going to school, great job, my nephew is home and out of the Army finally YES!!! He got home last Sunday and is home now and no going back after the holidays, so surely something to celebrate this year. I am so proud of him and love him so much. and did I mention he is so very handsome. He spent so much time with us when he was small, his mother would have to call to see if he was coming home for a visit. LOL He is home now and will start to school in January. Thank you to those of you who sent me Christmas cards. I did get a few out, just trying to get through the busy days I've had lately. I hope everyone had a great holiday. I have a long weekend, but so much going on it won't be any type of time off / rest! As I'm sure it will be for most. Keep posting, I'm still here and reading. Thanks for all the inspiration, though I must need some inspiration and a kick in the butt. That's it for now on this post. Take care.
Rick A.
on 12/19/07 12:48 pm - Far Northern, CA
Ruth Ann, I'm so glad that you checked in. It's good to hear that you have been in the background lurking around and getting something out of the posts. Sounds like your life is a bit crazy, but maybe it will get better after the first of the year. I know I sure feel better when I get out and walk. Sometimes I really don't want too, but I'm always glad I did. Talk to your doctor about medication. I don't think it's a bad thing to need a little boost every know and then. If it levels life out, what could be the harm in that? Thanks for stopping in, you have been missed. Merry Christmas, Rick
on 12/19/07 8:00 pm - Nashua, NH
Wow Ruth Ann....so sorry you are having some blue days. I think we have had such a hormonal emotional couple of years with all types of emotions, feelings, to deal with - it is no wonder we seem to have issues sometimes. I know my surgeon's office has a psychologist that works with patients...and maybe if your office does it wouldn't hurt to give him/her a visit. They know how to deal with all us WLS patients and the ups and downs we go through. I am so glad my post at least got you temporarily on here posting because you have surely been missed. Your exercise posts were really motivational for me...sure you don't want to get us fired up again? I just changed jobs about 6 weeks ago and I absolutely love my new job. But one advantage it has is a full gym in the basement of the JFK Federal Building I work in - and the best thing is it is only $150 a year to join. I spent that much in a month prior to WLS on Twinkies!!! (well not really!) But I am seriously thinking of joining after Christmas and working out at lunch. I can go to lunch at 1-2 and I get off at 3 - so I would only be stinky for about an hour in the office! It is so cold in Boston and slippery on the sidewalks, that my walking at lunch is about to stop...so I think this will be an option for me. But I would love it if you would get us all fired up again!!!! Again - so good to hear from you again. You are an inspiration to us all! Don't be a stranger, just drop in to say hello even if you don't have much to say...or spread motivation to us all any time you want! Hugs to you...Barbara
on 12/20/07 12:55 pm - Cincinnati, OH
thank you for the encourgement. it really means a lot to me. I read your post and Rick's everyday. I enjoy them so much.
Amy I.
on 12/23/07 1:04 pm - KS
Barbara, I am here! I have been very busy lately. I know that that is not a good excuse. My husband is now home from Iraq. He had some major things that we have been dealing with. Nothing like splitting up or anything. I had surgery again for another hernia. It was another big one, so I have been off of the exercise until after the first of the year. I was up to running 6 miles a day and in the gym for 1.5 hr three to four times a week. And to be honest with you I have missed. And so has my body! I can see a HUGE difference! I haven't gained weight but I really haven't lost any either. Just maintaining! Which is a good thing but I am sooooooo close to my goal. 8 pounds to be exact. I started a job this past summer and can not get this site while I am there. ( bummer) I haven't had a job out side of the house in over 10 yrs! My goal this week is to get my page up to date. I really miss this site and am going to try and keep up with it. All in all I am very happy with my life and the out come of the surgery! Who would have thought that I would be a size 4! and weight 142lbs! Chat at you all later Amy I
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