What our your favorite Christmas memories?

Rick A.
on 12/13/07 1:14 pm - Far Northern, CA
My mother raised myself and six of my brothers. As you can imagine things were not always easy. To say that money was tight would be an understatement. The older brothers always worked and made sure that we were provided for. Each Christmas my mother was embarrassed by the shear number of gifts under the tree. When you multiply the number of family members and each buying a gift for the others it could be overwhelming. My favorite part of the day was always the meal together and the card games afterwards. We were truly a loving family. One Christmas my mother wanted to make sure that the three youngest kids (one of which was me) got new bicycles. She saved green stamps and turned in bottles so that we each would get this special gift. This is one of many memories that I cherish. How about you what are your special memories? Make us laugh, make us cry. Life is great, Rick
on 12/13/07 8:25 pm - Nashua, NH
My favorite Christmas memory is similar to yours. As you all know I grew up with my retarded sister and a mother who always said my sister was a "gift from God"...when I asked what I was - she would say...you are the strong one! Well it seems most every intention my mother had was focused toward my sister. When I was 5 years old they got me this really old, rusty bicycle which I was proud to have - not sure where they got it from. But I learned to ride it quickly - no training wheels I might add - and was tooling around the yard quickly. When I was 7 and my sister 6 - she wanted a bicycle for Christmas. My parents told me that Santa couldn't afford to bring 2 bikes, but right after Christmas they would take my bike and get it painted and a new seat and a new basket (you had to have a basket) and it would look fine. They further told me Santa could only bring one bike per household...so there was no doubt the new shiny bike was going to my sister - the special gift from God!!! Well, Christmas morning came and I was feeling pretty low because it always seemed to me my sister got the best things in life - but at 7 you don't equate not being mentally retarded as being a best thing in life - you only want a shiny new bike like the God given sister was going to get!!!! So I got up - my lip hanging down to my chest and walked into the living room to see what Santa might have been able to carry in for me - being that bicycle was so heavy and everything...and LO and BEHOLD, what to my wondering eyes should appear???? You got it...2 BRIGHT, BLUE shiny bikes, one with training wheels and the other one with a unrusted, beautiful basket and my very own horn!!!! For probably one of the few times in my life - my mother actually made me feel as special as my sister!!! I know this is getting long...but my next and most favorite Christmas memory was the year I wrapped all the kids presents and put each of Jenni's gifts with Chris' name on the tag and Jenni's name on Chris' gifts. In past Christmas's they would always figure out what they were getting before Christmas by feeling the boxes. This particular year they guessed and guessed and I sat back and laughed. Christmas morning they passed out all the gifts and just about the time they were about to start opening their own stashes - I told them to switch gifts because the name tags were wrong! They were really surprised and then their gifts were a surprise because they hadn't figured them out before hand!!! And since I am on a roll....my ex never got me anything for birthdays, Christmas, anniversarys - whatever - he was just not a very giving person. Now he didn't mind what I spent on the kids as long as he didn't have to be bothered with getting things. So consequently on Christmas morning the kids and he would have gifts and nothing for me...he wouldn't even take the kids out to buy anything. This was when they were toddlers. So the kids would be upset because I had no presents to open. The next year after that, as I was doing all my shopping, I bought myself all my wants and wishes and wrapped them up and put them under the tree with tags saying they were all from my husband! Christmas morning - the look on the kids face was wonderful because they were so glad I had presents...the look on my husband's face was....as they say....PRICELESS!!!! I never failed in the next years we were married to gift myself on Christmas!!! Ok I am done now...can't wait to read yours! Thanks again Rick for a fun post!
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/13/07 10:15 pm - My Town, NH
Okay, so I laughed AND cried while reading your post! I'm so glad you received the bike that you deserved. I'm also very proud of you for buying yourself gifts. It's too bad your ex didn't realize how special you were and take care of you in that way. I know things are different now! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 12/14/07 12:07 am - Far Northern, CA
Barbara, What great stories and memories. I especially like the tag switching idea and the gifts your "husband" got for you. That was great. Have a wonderful weekend. Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/13/07 9:57 pm - My Town, NH
What a wonderful way to begin my day! Thank you! When I was little, we lived in Texas and had an artificial Christmas tree. It always went up the day after Thanksgiving and came down New Year's Day. I couldn't wait to decorate the tree each year! Our special treat was being able to sleep under the tree the first night it was up. So my brother and I would grab sleeping bags and pillows and sleep under (well more like right beside) the tree and it would stay lit all night long. It was such fun. We would tal****il we fell asleep or play games by the light of the tree. It's one of my fondest memories of childhood. I think the last year we were able to do that was probably the year I turned 15. My parents divorced after that and all of the traditions changed. But I'll hold that one dear forever. Guess what? I still turn out all of the lights and lay next to the tree! Pete's and my first Christmas together I explained this tradition of yore to him and Dustin (who was 12 at the time). We didn't sleep the whole night on the floor (floors are so much harder when you are older!!) but every year we still make a pallet, grab pillows, turn off the lights, and enjoy the lighted tree while playing Christmas music. Now that Dustin is an adult and has his own life, it's just the two of us that enjoy the tree. But, I must say it's quite romantic! I also remember the first Christmas I looked around my living room and knew that this was my family. It took a while for me to feel that the three of us were a family but I remember the exact moment and how wonderful it made me feel. Over the years I've learned that family often doesn't mean blood relative or children that you give birth to. Family is made up of people that share love, laughter and tears. Thanks for making my day! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 12/14/07 12:13 am - Far Northern, CA
Stephanie, What a neat memory, sleeping under the tree. That reminds me of when I was younger our idea of camping out was sleeping on the porch of our house. We thought we were roughing it. I also agree about family not being blood relatives. My family consists of two step-daughters, 5 grandchildren by them and my wife. We are a family because we are held together by our love for one another. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend, Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/13/07 10:12 pm - My Town, NH
Rick, that's amazing that your mom raised all of you boys! What a great job she did. Games are such a wonderful way to interact. We are a big game family too. Do people save green stamps??? My mom used to save them when I was little. I remember a set of dishes she got with green stamps. She still uses them! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 12/14/07 12:23 am - Far Northern, CA
Stephanie, My mom saved green stamps and blue chip stamps. We also used to turn in soda bottles for the refund of the deposit. My mom was and is an amazing person. She has been in the hospital for the last week and is not doing real good. She finally found happiness late in life and has had a companion for the last several years that treats her as special as she deserves. Take care, Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/14/07 8:38 pm - My Town, NH
Rick, I'm sorry that your mom isn't doing well. I'll be thinking about her and you as well and sending prayers up that she improves. Hugs, Stephanie
on 12/14/07 1:09 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
like Rick I come from a big family...I have 5 sisters and 1 brother who too is mentally handicapped we grew up with very little money...and 1 year my sister was a cheerleader but my mom could not afford to send her to camp so in exchange for the money she made the uniforms for the whole squad even the mascot uniform which the school used for years....ok so that has nothing to do with christmas but leads me up to this.. one year I wanted these boots that laced up and had buckles on the side they were blue, green and brown i wanted them so bad i could feel them on my feet...my mom would tell me just keep wanting them because there is no way you are getting them, we can't afford them.( they were like $40) Well of course christmas day they were under the tree...i wore those boots until there was no sole left on the bottom. one of my other favorite memories is with my 1st son...he was due Christmas day..my husband was deployed to Kuwait...and i was alone in El paso on bedrest..thankfully I had some money set aside and I asked my mom if I bought her ticket if she would fly out to help, knowing good and well she had never been on an airplane because she was terrified of flying.. Well Zachary came early...in fact his brithday is tomorrow he'll be 10... my mom flew out...Christmas day we opened the Christmas presents to memaw from Zachary and to myself and Zachary from memaw and my sisters and such...my mom stayed for 3 weeks...and the Christmas tree stayed up that year until Feb 18th...the day my hubby came home and we had our 1st christmas with out 1st child that day. So though it wasn't Dec 25th...it was for sure one of the BEST Christmases ever.
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