Whati do you believe in?
The other day my 9 year old grandson asked if I believed in Santa Claus? That's one of those questions you hate to hear from a child. I don't think I gave him a straight answer. I told him I wanted to believe in Santa Claus. There are so many good things that happen to people this time of year that have no easy explanation. Maybe it is just this time of year that brings the good out in all of us. My wife works at the local food bank and this time of year their donations increase dramatically. I think people just have a more giving spirit. It is a good thing because the need also increases dramatically after the holiday season. Families try their best to fulfill the wish lists of their children and the grocery budget is often times exhausted.
So my question to each of you is what do you believe in? Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in a higher being? Do you think there is no rhyme or reason for why things happen?
As for me, I believe and trust in God. I have to think there is more then just what this world has to offer. I have called on Him many times and my prayers were answered. Sometimes the answer was "NO". I didn't like it, but that was the answer.
I apologize if bringing a little religion into this forum offends anyone, but I have had to rely on God many times during this weight loss journey and I think He deserves a little credit for my success.
My life is great and has been blessed by God, Rick
Wow Rick....you really want to make us think - don't you?!!!! I think we all may believe in different things, but I believe because we live in America, we can talk about our religious preferences without offending anyone - I believe in the freedom of speech. Like that old saying..."I may not believe in what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it"....and I believe we should all live by that saying. And you shouldn't apologize for bringing religion into this forum because I believe it is your right to do so. I would also welcome anyone's beliefs to be expounded upon because I do believe you have a right to express yourself.
I personally also believe in God and his power and I think for my well being, I also have to believe and trust in God. I like that other old saying..."Please be patient with me....God isn't finished with me!" - And so true that I feel God deserves a little credit for my success in this journey. He must have thought I had something more to offer this world!
On a lighter note..."YES Virginia, there is a Santa Claus"! He may not actually drop down my chimney and he certainly couldn't eat all those cookies and milk in one night....but the thought of giving to others and making kids happy - what can be wrong with that? Now poor Santa might need WLS - per the recent statements of the Surgeon General, but who wants a skinny Santa? He might just help those people suffering from extreme obesity not feel so bad about themselves during the holiday season - so Santa can be a good thing for them also!!! So let's believe that doing good for other people (maybe more so during the holiday season) makes a little Santa Claus in all of us. I just sometimes wish we were more thoughtful to our less fortunate people all year long rather than only at Christmas - even though I am sure many of us are.
I also believe in you Rick - for giving us all these thought provoking posts and hanging in there with us MARCHers as our "male calendar guy"!!!! A big THANK YOU Rick! Barb

Do you mean that Santa isn't real????
That simply cannot be!
I believe in so many things. I believe in God. I know that I am extremely fortunate in all aspects of my life. My life certainly isn't, nor has it been, perfect. But I have a good life and am thankful to God for that life.
I also believe in people. I think that people have the power to make this world a better place. Most of what we see on the news highlights people who are not improving our society. For every one of those, how many hundreds are working to make society better?
I'm beginning to believe in...myself. I've struggled with self-esteem for 37 years now. There are lots of reasons for that struggle, and most of those reasons contributed to my obesity. As the weight has melted away, I've become more confident in who I am and what I have to offer others. I'm sorry that it took me this long to experience this confidence. I think that all of my relationships have improved and that, in general, I am a happier person who gets much more out of life.
I have a little secret to share. Santa Claus does exist. He lives with me in NH.
When I think of all of the qualities Santa is known for, twinkle in his eye, magical things, jolly, happy, very giving, I can't help but think of my husband.
He brings me gifts each day just by loving me and sharing my life. And, I am very grateful!
Have a wonderful day!
Hugs, Stephanie

WOAH....wait a minute Steph - how can Santa Claus live with you in NH? He lives with ME in NH...southern NH - not northern NH where you are. Mine has a twinkle in his eye, he has magical things, the is jolly, happy and very giving....he is my husband!!!! (We don't need to know what magical things are do we?!!!) Did they clone these boys? Maybe there are 3 of them if we count Rick!!! However, my Santa doesn't wear Hawaiian shirts...well he did once for his son's wedding in St. Thomas...but that was the first and probably last time. OK - so now we have determined there are 3 Santa clones....are there more?!!!!!