What is your gift to give?

Rick A.
on 12/11/07 1:44 pm - Far Northern, CA
This holiday season we each need to think what it is that makes us unique and what we have to offer someone else. I don't think the season is about what we can get someone, but how we can make a difference in their lives. A year from now most people will have forgotten what gift they unwrapped, but they will still remember the effect of your presence in their lives. Try in all things you do to be a positive influence. When given the chance lift someone up don't put them down. We must remember where we have all come from. Encourage others who are taking the same journey we have embarked on. Be proud of the progress you have made and help others to be as successful. Be honest when you have stumbled and they will realize that we are human too. We each have unique talents that should be shared. Give of yourself and it will be well received. What gifts or talents do you have to offer? Life is great, Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/11/07 8:56 pm - My Town, NH
Good morning Rick. What a lovely post to think about! I try to give of my time when I can. Last Saturday I invited my nieces over to bake Christmas cookies. That gave their parents the day to shop without them and also gave the three of us time together. It was great fun! I agree that this season is about giving things other than gifts. I feel so fortunate that there is very little I need. If there wasn't a present under the tree, I would fare just fine. Most of my family is fortunate in the same way. This year, instead of trying to figure out what to get for these family members, my husband and I are making a monetary donation in their names to our local soup kitchen. The soup kitchen does such great work and there are people in my town who need food far more than my family needs gifts. This also makes it easier on me and little cards notifying them of the donation are certainly easier to ship to far off states! I feel so blessed to have a good job, a warm house (gotta love that wood heat! ), a wonderful family, and my health. What more do I need? Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 12/11/07 11:35 pm - Far Northern, CA
Stephanie, It sounds like you are wealthy indeed and that has nothing to do with the size of your bank account. The soup kitchen donation is a great idea. Have a great day, Rick
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