***Let's liven up this board today!***

on 12/6/07 7:51 pm - Nashua, NH
SURVEY TIME..... 1. Where are you going/staying for the holidays? 2. What special person will you see during the holidays? 3. What special gift will you be giving during the holidays? As for me: 1. Where are you going/staying for the holidays? - We are in NH for the holidays. We usually leave the day after Christmas to go to TN, but since I just started a new job, I don't have any vacation time built up so we will be staying here and not traveling to TN until February. My wonderful hubby works for the Post Office in a processing plant (he is an electrical technician) so the post office doesn't allow time off during December, so we are always home for Christmas but usually leave the day after Christmas. I will miss seeing my TN grandkids right after Christmas, but will get to spend Christmas with my NH grandson...and will see the TN kiddos in February. 2. What special person will you see during the holidays? Well, I have probably taken leave of my senses, but I am trying to make arrangements to bring my sister up here for Christmas. She is mentally retarded, very diabetic, many health problems, extremely overweight, has sleep apnea and lives in a wonderful nursing home in TN. She is 15 months younger than me - is 5'4" tall and weighs about 375 pounds...bless her heart - she is as wide as she is tall. She can walk with a walker, but usually relies on her wheel chair. To fly her up here will require my son getting her to the airport, probably purchasing 2 seats for her and praying the plane comes non-stop with no delays. Her only wish for Christmas is to come to my house and I am going to try and make it possible for her. Stay tuned!!! 3. What special gift will you be giving during the holidays? I can't beat the beautiful gift my hubby gave me last weekend. It was our 7th anniversary and bless his heart -he gave me one of those ever-so-popular diamond "journey necklaces"...the one with 7 diamonds and the diamonds increase in size meaning your love has grown through the years. It was such a wonderful surprise for me that I can't imagine finding a more meaningful thoughtful gift than his to me. I guess my special gift will be getting my sister up here and trying to make her Christmas special. My sweet daughter will also be coming, but she got her high heel caught in the sidewalk walking home from work in DC and fell and broke her leg. Thank goodness it isn't a bad break, but she is on crutches for 6 weeks. I can't wait till bath time...trying to get my poor sister in the shower with all her physical disabilities and helping my daughter get her leg all wrapped up in plastic wrap...she is in a cast from her toes to under her knee. My special gift may be a long rest after the holidays! However, we just got word from the President that federal offices will be closed on the 24th and 25th - so that is a great present for me!!!! Wow - was this wordy...got started and couldn't stop! Can't wait to hear from our MARCHers about your holiday plans! Barbara
on 12/6/07 9:00 pm - Melrose, MA
1. Where are you going/staying for the holidays? I am gonna be home for the holidays..my mothers whole side of the family (25 people) will be having dinner here. It is usually the only time of the year I can get them all in the same room together..... 2. What special person will you see during the holidays? My family and friends... 3. What special gift will you be giving during the holidays? I am making homemade hot coco and pretzles dipped in white chocolate with a hit of orange in them for my family and friends... This was a fun post thanks Barbara... Jannine 357/157/TT
on 12/6/07 9:29 pm - Nashua, NH
Jannine - what is your recipe for the cocoa and pretzles??? Both sound like nice gifts especially for people at work! Barb
on 12/7/07 4:06 am - Melrose, MA
Hot Chocolate Mix 3 cups powdered milk 1/2 cup cocoa 1 cup sugar dash of salt 6 packets of True Orange Sift the ingredients into a large bowl. Then I found that putting the sifted ingredients in a food processor or magic bullet to make it a fine powder. Pack the mix into an airtight jar decorated with a pretty ribbon. Instructions add 4 tablespoons of Coco to 6-8oz of boiling water depending on taste. and the pretzles are bought at BJ's the ones that are about the size of your index finger and I purchase the Wilton Candy Melts and dip them and cool them and put them in decorated bags...another idea for dipping is plastic disposible spoons dipped in chocolate and dressed up in a nice package too.... Jannine
Rick A.
on 12/7/07 1:27 am - Far Northern, CA
Barbara, I think you may be feeling the same way I do "is there anyone out there?" As to your survey, 1. Where are you going/staying for the holidays? We traveled for Thanksgiving, so we are staying home for Christmas. My grandson's birthday is Christmas Eve day so we always try to make that a special day for him. We have a large white elephant Christmas gathering at our house every year. It was last weekend and we had 35 family and friends at the house. It is very relaxed and low key. We play cards and have a lot of fun. 2. What special person will you see during the holidays? No one extra special, just all of the regular "special" people in my life. 3. What special gift will you be giving during the holidays? I try to give of my time. I want my family to know that I am there for them and with them. My grandson is also getting a new video game system. He will be very excited. His dad is going to be here before Christmas and he will be thrilled with that as well. I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season. Life is great, Rick
~ Stylz ~
on 12/7/07 1:40 am - North of Boston, MA
sorry to hear about DD and hope shes feeling better! it sounds like you'll need more than a vacation, like a trip to the spa to unwind and pamper yourself after taking care of everyone! what a beautiful gift DH boguth you! I'm sure its as precious as you are! work has been a little hectic this week, trying to get things in order as my foot surgery date approaches. keep us posted about your sister, what a treat for her to come visit. 1. my holidays will be very uneventful this year since I'll be on crutches too. we're going to my cousins house Christmas day for dinner and New Years Eve will be spent on the couch watching the ball drop. we'll have to make up for it next year! 2. I'll get to see my family who I never see enough of during the year. Life gets so busy for everyone that we never have enough time to spend it with the people we care about so much. 3. special giving gift is... after christmas, the senior center has a "christmas party" for the seniors of the town. they're always looking for help (which I wont be much of this year), but I told them I'll work the desk to register people and accept the toys for tots donations. hope everyone is having a great day! I was curious about our missing Marchers too! I got a message from Danni the other day and told her to stop in to fill us in on how things are going, hopefully she does soon
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/7/07 4:50 am - My Town, NH
1. Where are you going/staying for the holidays? We are staying home for the holidays this year. I'm looking forward to a quiet Christmas and New Year's! 2. What special person will you see during the holidays? My stepson will be coming home on 12/28 and staying through 1/2. He is bringing his girlfriend with him. They live in Michigan and we don't get to see him but once a year or so. It will be great to have him around! 3. What special gift will you be giving during the holidays? There is a covered bridge in the town my husband grew up in that he just loves. His niece is a budding photographer and she has photographed the bridge for me. I'm getting it matted and framed and will put it under the tree. I hope he likes it! I'm so glad that you were spoiled for your anniversary! You deserve it! And, I hope your daughter recovers quickly. Broken bones are not fun at all. Good luck with getting your sister to NH for the holidays. Thanks for a fun post! Hugs, Stephanie
on 12/7/07 6:00 am - Fort Bragg, NC
1. I'll be here in waverly..Christmas day will be at home with my hubby and kids..the 29th will be at my sister's house with allmy sister's my parents and all teh kids 2. the special people are my husband he flies in Dec 17th and will be here until jan 11 my daughter (step) will be here dec 27th til jan 4th and my best friend will be here the 28th til the 1st....so I'll have all my loved ones home this year for Christmas and new years 4. special gift...my kids have begged for an xbox 360 for 2 years and we just haven't had the money...well this year santa is bringing one... also we just found out today my great niece truely is my great niece...got the dna test back...so i will be buying her a crib to sleep in at her daddy's house. my special gift to me is #2...having my husband and daughter here for christmas is the best gift anyone could give me. I haven't seen either one in almost a year
on 12/8/07 12:56 am - Cincinnati, OH
Where are you going/staying for the holidays? staying home. hopefully I will be able to drive by then 2. not seeing anyone special- 3. not really doing any christmas shopping this year. I really do not want anything. o.k. thats a lie all I want is my health back :>)
on 12/8/07 11:07 am - Western, KY
1. Where are you going/staying for the holidays? We are leaving the Friday before Christmas to go see DH's family in Cincinnati. Then on Christmas Eve, coming back to Western KY to spend Christmas with my family. Then, the day after Christmas, DH & the dog will go back to Cincinnati as he has the whole week between Christmas and New Years off, so I'll be all by myself until New Years. I love having time to myself, but I'm sure I'll get lonely! 2. What special person will you see during the holidays? Everyone that I never get to see. I swear I saw my family more when we lived in Cincinnati than I do now that I only live 45 minutes away from them. DH's sister from Boston will be home for the holidays, so he'll get to spend a lot of time with her and her family. 3. What special gift will you be giving during the holidays? I'm doing a lot of handmade presents this year. I've started a new hobby of stamping, and I hate trying to find something that I think someone will like just for the sake of giving a present. So, this time my gifts will come from the heart. I'm converted all of my parents home videos to DVD, so I know they will like those. I'm making a scrapbook for DH's parents. I hope they will like that, but who knows. DH is going to help me and hopefully do all of the journaling so maybe that will make it more special. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!
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