I am thankful for support
In the past when I was going to try to loose weight, I always felt like I was on my own in my struggles. Now I feel that I am in a partnership with those who are seeking the same goals. My wife has been a tremendous source of support to me. I am sure she got tired of hearing me talk about all of the issues involved with this surgery, but she never complained or deterred me. She makes healthier foods for me and the rest of the family. My extended family and workmates have been a source of support and encouragement to me. I am so glad that I am not doing this alone.
Mostly I am grateful for the closeness we have developed with our group of "Marcher's". We have been through a lot together, but we have been here for each other. We have lifted each other up and nudged each other when needed.
I thank each of you for the part you have played in making this a truly one of the best sources of support around.
Life is great because we support each other.
I am thankful for you Rick...you are such a great source of support for all of us. Your positive, cheerful, encouraging attitude is always appreciated! It is nice to have such good support from this incredible group of MARCHers! Sometime along our way, it would be nice to maybe someday plan a meeting of the group - maybe somewhere in the middle of the country!!!
Have a good day and thanks always for your support! Barbara
You're a lucky man to have the positivity of your wife and workmates behind you. And what an incredible family we've become, huh. It never ceases to amaze me that a group of strangers can mesh so fantastically together and be nothing but uplifting of the others. The feeling of this group reminds me of the song "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban. Gives me chills whenever I hear it.
I can't say it enough, we have the greatest support group ever!! We found each other here and have remained here. I really think thats why we've all done as great as we have. Our motivation to keep going, our fight to shed those pounds, inspiration from other members, its all here within our march group!