Questions about Walk Across America

Hi Dawn, WELCOME to our MARCHers board, we are so glad to have you and welcome you to join us each and every day!
Yes - we are trying to collectively "walk across America" on paper and we welcome any help. We started out in NYC on October 1 and we are trying to get to Los Angeles! Any help at all will be appreciated! As you have heard in posts above, just keep track of your walking or activity that equals walking - see a prior post from SYTLZ showing what other activities can equal walking and post your results when STYLZ calls for them.
Please don't be a stranger and jump in on this board. MARCHers are a great group of people. We also have a Mon-Fri "motivational" post for MARCHers going to goal and MARCHers maintaining. Rick A and myself take turns each week posting. This is my week to post and Rick plugs in next week. We are hopeful to make motivational posts that will keep our board active and hopefully help our fellow MARCHers.
Again - welcome! Hugs to you....Barbara