Random acts of kindness.

Rick A.
on 10/24/07 2:06 pm - Far Northern, CA
I know all of you are kind and generous people. My challenge for you today is to commit a random act of kindness. Find someone that needs to be encouraged and lift them up. Put a quarter in someone else's meter that is about to expire. (We don't have a single parking meter in the county I live in) Hold the door open for someone. Say a kind word. Be a friend. Put a smile on your face and try to illicit one from someone else. Be positive. Take the time to really listen to someone. Play a game with a child. Call an old friend. Put a card in the mail. Give someone a hug for no reason at all. Tell someone you care and mean it. Let me know how you have changed someone's life today. The best part is that when you do something for someone else, it makes YOU a happier, better person. Have a great (and kind filled) day. Life is great (because of each of you). Rick
on 10/24/07 8:37 pm - Nashua, NH
Right before I read your post, I sent a message to M. Mays and Laura A. I only wish I lived closer to both of them to go and physically do something for each of them today. Our MARCHer sisters have been through alot this year. Thanks for your suggestion for a "RAK" - I will try to find many reasons to have a "RAK" today for my fellow human beings! Thanks for the challenge! Barb
Rick A.
on 10/25/07 1:58 am - Far Northern, CA
Barbara, You are always such a kind hearted person. Have a great day, Rick
on 10/25/07 1:16 am - , NC
I try to make it a point to do these every day. This morning at 6 I was in Food Lion getting some medicine for my daughter who was sick last night. Ahead of me in line (had to be the only other person in the store) was a young girl with a daughter about 4 or so in the cart. I started talking to the restless girl while her mom and the cashier were sorting out their food stamps and I told the little girl that her sparkly shoes were very pretty. She lit up and said that she got them for her birthday this summer. I told her that she must be a very special little girl because not everyone is given shoes as beautiful as those. We had a nice conversation and her mom had a little time to concentrate on her items.
Rick A.
on 10/25/07 2:06 am - Far Northern, CA
Lulu, You have just given a good example of how easy it is to brighten some ones else's day. It also makes us feel good to be a bright spot in someone else's day. Good for you. Have a great day, Rick P.S. I hope your daughter is feeling better.
~ Stylz ~
on 10/25/07 3:13 am - North of Boston, MA
every morning, my random act of kindness (and mind you I'm the furtherst from being a morning person lol) is letting someone go before me at the highway junction. two main highways merge and for years I drove this rte and saw how mean people are by cutting people off.. simply uncalled for! so I started letting a person go infront of me (they're coming off 1 highway to get to the one I'm exiting). After reading your post, I did another RAK... Theres a parallized student who takes an art class in my building. She comes across the street in her manual wheelchair with her big art portfolio, which is hard to carry at the same time. I saw her crossing the street so I met her at the driveway and brought her portfolio to her class. Shes a sweet girl and days when she needs help with it, she asks (I think she wants to ask more often, but doesn't). She stopped by my desk after class and said thank you so much for helping me this morning. I asked her if she wanted me to bring it back to the other building and hesitantly she said.... um... no thats ok... I said really, let me bring it for you, I took it out of her hands and brought it to the other buildling for her. Thanks for posting this Rick, we all get wrapped up in our lives and forget to do small things that make someones day
Rick A.
on 10/25/07 3:45 am - Far Northern, CA
What a kind person you are, but we already knew that. Take care, Rick
on 10/25/07 4:14 am - Melrose, MA
My daughter and I worked on our RAKs this morning...the pastor of our church and his wife had a baby on Tuesday so my daughter wanted to make a card for the baby welcoming her to our world as she put it...and then she said to me..Mommy can we make one for Pastor Nate and Mandy too Mommy's and Daddy's sometimes need a present too...so that is what we did today...Saturday I am making dinner for them. Jannine
Rick A.
on 10/25/07 5:46 am - Far Northern, CA
Jannine, You have raised a sweet and caring daughter by setting a good example. Your church and pastor are lucky to have you in "their flock". Have a great day, Rick
Rick A.
on 10/25/07 2:17 pm - Far Northern, CA
It took me all day, but I got my chance towards the end of my last walk of the day. A neighbor was asking about cleaning leaves off of her roof. I walked the rest of the way home and got my leaf blower and went back and finished the job for her. I let her know how much I appreciated her letting me do this for me. She had a hard time accepting it, but it sure made me feel better. Thank you all for your kindness to those around you. Rick.
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