Roll Call! Post your progress!
Ruth Ann,
You have done so well. I wish you felt better about yourself. You havd always been such an inspiration to me.
Yesterday Barbara's post talked about rainbows. I think we all are trying to chase a rainbow and we just can't quite get there. Sometimes we just need to be happy with the end of the rainbow being nearby. We still get to enjoy the awesome beauty. We just don't seem to get to what we think is the pot of gold.
I hope you have a bright and rainbow filled day.
I knew that addressing emotional needs after surgery were going to be there but it was impossible to imagine what a huge span it would be. It was easy to say 'If I make it to xx lbs I'll be happy' but it doesn't really work that way, does it. I hope that all of us one day feel comfortable in our own skin, no matter how large/small/saggy we are. I can totally relate to having a body that is out of proportion and honestly, I don't think that it can ever get better for me. My legs are really big (and have edema) and even if I go through with the risky thigh surgery one day, my calves will still be huge. I have to *squeeze* them in to 16s and only the wide legged kind. All in all though, I think you're doing great. Think of how proud the old Ruth would be of you now.
Hey there Lauren..glad to see you pop in....well my progress is as follows:
Started at 357lbs at my consult
Day of Surgery I was 336lbs
Current 163lbs
Grand total weightloss is : 194lbs
I recently had my consult for my TT I don't seem to have any fears of being normal because for me this is the smallest I have ever been if I were to get to what the world considered normal I would actually be anorxeic (sp) I am actually very happy with where I am right now..I have been maintaining for roughly 4-5 months and sometimes this is annoying to me because I only have 6lbs to get off to be to my goal...but the surgeon said he is gonna take between 7-12lbs of excess skin from my belly so that gets me past my goal as far as I am concerned..I am very active (some would say too active) these days..I am never home and I am at the gym 3-5 days a week...Sometimes I still kick myself for not getting on the exercise as soon as I could but I am doing that now and I have to remember that those old habits are buried deep in my head I have just learned to tell them to go away...there also days that I do not eat the best foods for my body or myself..but if I have a craving for something I eat it..because if I do not it get worse and then can grow to be over excessive...unfortunately I really don't have any dumping which is a little disappointing..don't get me wrong if there is something my pouch does not like it comes back to haunt me...and I remember it ... I believe we all at some point will have the fear for the smaller size...because we have been obese most of our lives... but staying in touch with our Marcher family has really helped just have to remember you are not alone we are here for you as well as each other...
Its good to "see" you back here for a visit
Reading everyones posts makes me truly proud to be a Marcher! I honestly can say I feel (for myself at least) that our active message board (even 18 months after surgery) has helped keep me focused, motivated, honest with myself on food choices and informed of my surgery friends progressions! We have all done amazingly well! Some days I venture to other message boards on OH and see months have passed since someone posted last. We've been here for each other daily, weekly, monthly and/or whenever our busy life allows time for us to check in, always welcomed with open arms!
Heres my progress
height - 5' 2.5" (that 1/2" means everything when you're short )
starting weight - 261
surgery weight - 250
current weight - 125
starting sizes - 26/28 shirt and 22 pants
current sizes - m/l shirt (depending how the belly flab looks), 6 pants (4 @ old navy but I think its because they run big)
way to go Marchers!!
Is that a 1-2-5? Holy cow! What a tiny little person you are! Thanks for being such a great motivator for us here. This board will always feel like home to me whether I'm wrapped up in the daily grind or have a few minutes to sit and chat. You and everyone else here are so warm and coming here feels like sitting on my back porch with a friend and a cup of coffee.
wow don't you look smashing!!! what an awsome job you have done!
My start weight 315+ (don't know how much I was at my highest)
surgery 278
today 158
total loss 157
I started out in 22..some 24 pants, 2x or 3x if they ran small top, 40DD bra, 10 W shoe
today I wear 6/8 depending if they have straight or full legs, a small or medium top tops, a 32B bra and still in a 10 shoe...
my ring finger did go from a 10 to a 6.5
and sabotage....that must be my middle name...I know my stomach is stretched back out and I know how to work at not over stuffing it...but I want to eat like a normal person I get so sick of going out to eat with people and they say you eat like a bird...I went from eatting like a pig to eatting like a bird...what animal is the middle??