Roll Call! Post your progress!

on 10/23/07 10:03 pm - , NC
Well ladies and gents, we're a little over a year and a half out and I want to hear how everyone is doing so far. I've been MIA (loooong story) but think about y'all often and wonder if you're sharing my struggles. I weigh in at 227 now (a loss of 264 from the consult), up from 220 and wear a size 16. I've been eating like crap lately I think partially because of stress and partially, probably mostly, a fear of being smaller than I have ever been. It amazes me that I still continue to sabotage myself when intellectually I know that it only hurts me. I still kind of kick myself for not having the surgery sooner so that I could have gotten most of the weight off quickly in the beginning while I was still so focused on the rules. So please write in, lurkers and all, and know that if you're struggling, I'm right there with you. XOXO Lauren
on 10/24/07 12:30 am - Cincinnati, OH
wow 264 pounds is amazing. I have been sick the lst 6 1/2 months (non weight loss surgery related) so I understand how hard it is to stay focused. I eat mostly because I am bored and I know depression (from dealing with my illness). I go through days when I am super hungry and my pouch can tolerate anything I eat but then there are days when I hate food and pouch wants to throw everyhing I eat up (like yesterday). I started at 362 right now I am at 159 for a total loss of 203 pounds. My doctors goal was 190 so I am under his goal but my 1st goal which I am 4 pounds shy of. When I look at myself in the mirror I still do not see what everyone else does so I think I need to lose more weight (I really want to get down between 145-150). Started in a size 30/32 pant,, 4x shirt, 12 ww shoe and 48 dd bra. Now I can wear size 10/12 pants, med shirt,10m or c width shoe and a 38b bra. mj
on 10/24/07 4:31 am - , NC
You're doing great with your loss! Do you find that you're still losing or has your body gone into maintaining mode? What's going on, though? Why have you been so sick?
on 10/24/07 6:45 am - Cincinnati, OH
Back in February and started having problems with my back so went to the doctor. Had an MRI which only showed spinal stenosis. Then I stated having numbness, pain and tingling in my hand and feet. The doctors thought I had a B vit deficiency. Had blood work done and everything can back fine. I started physical therapy to strengthen my back but it only got worse. In the course of two weeks I went from a can to a walker. My doctor ran all kinds of tests--Lupus, Chrohns, Lymes, ALS, Cancer and Galeic disease, all came back negative. Had two more MRI's to check for MS still nothing showed up. She referred me to a neurologist (by this time I was having problems walking, going p stairs, writing, typing etc.). The day after Easter my mom made me go to the emergency room because I could barely walk and I was in so much pain. After seeing the emergency room doc, the attendee and then a neurosurgeon they called the neurologist on call. He was seeing another patient so he sent his intern who started asking m questions and had me do all this coordination test. Her last question was have you been sick recently? I was like nope--then my mom said you had that horrible respiratory virus in January. She left the room and came back and said you probably have Guillen Barre Syndrome. I was like what??? It is a rare neurological disorder that attacks your nerves (Guillain-Barré (Ghee-yan Bah-ray) Syndrome, also called acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and Landry's ascending paralysis, is an inflammatory disorder of the peripheral nerves those outside the brain and spinal cord. It is characterized by the rapid onset of weakness and, often, paralysis of the legs, arms, breathing muscles and face. GBS is the most common cause of rapidly acquired paralysis in the United States today, affecting one to two people in every 100,000-ep it is that rare). I was hospitalized that night had an EMG and Spinal Tap and yep that is what I had. I saw the neurologist late that evening and he explained what my treatment options were. My first trip lasted 11 days. I had 10 IVIG treatments (good antibodies to replace my bad ones that were attacking my nerves plus I had physical and occupational therapy to help me learn how to walk and use my hands again. Got out was doing o.k. had to do 8 wks of pt and ot but I was weaned off steroids and had a relapse. Went back to the hospital had more IVIG--more pt and ot -this time my hands were worse then my legs. Rediagnoised with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (the chronic form of guillian barre) so more pt and ot. Took steroids and an immunosuppressant to suppress my immune system since I was basically attacking myself. Fast forward 8 weeks later--had another relapse. Since the IVIG did not help me that much so I as started on Plasma Exchange therapy. I had 7 treatments--one every other day so I was in 15 days. Right now I am doing out patient PE treatments. I am doing better--walking no with a cane I can not walk or stand for long periods of time. I also have a lot of muscle atrophy in my hands so it is had to hold on to things and do simple things I used to take for granted (I can not even open a splenda packet but I look at how far I have come since this all started. I can hold a fork, cut meat, and dress myself. The doctor thinks I should be able to go back to work and drive after me next round of PE. Sorry so long and to think this is the short version.
Laura A.
on 10/24/07 12:58 am - Manteca, CA
Hi, glad to hear from've been missed. You've done an amazing job....264 pounds!!!!! WOW!!! I post sporaticly anymore my bad!!! I started at 299 and weighed in yesterday at 136.....for a total loss of 163 pounds. It's been an unbelievable journey!!! And one that I would do again in a heartbeat. My daughter, Annastacia, is now waiting for a surgery date. I'm not sure who's having a harder time with the or her.
on 10/24/07 5:54 am - , NC
136?!?? WW! Do you want to lose more or should we stick a fork in ya (you're done)? I am super excited about your daughter having a new chance at living!! I don't know her or her situation but if she's decided that this would be a benefit, I couldn't be happier for her.
Laura A.
on 10/24/07 2:47 pm - Manteca, CA
I want to maintain where I am......yes, stick me with a fork.....I'm done!!! I also need to add that this WLS has really SAVED MY LIFE in more ways than just losing weight. Many already know that last May I was weighing 140 and feeling several lumps in my groin area. At first I thought it maybe was something normal....just something that had always been padded with a fat belly. I had my PCP check it....and after several tests and biopsies and surgery in June....I have stage 4 ovarian cancer and am now in the middle of chemotherapy. Although I am totally hairless right now ( what a visual, huh!!) I am sooo thankful for WLS....I might not have ever felt those lumps through my belly padding and the cancer could have totally gone wild!!! I have a MUCH better chance of survival now. My daughter had never really thought surgery was for her......until she saw firsthand my success and the success of others as she came with me to WLS social functions and visited with others. She will have her 2nd psych evaluation on 10/29....and as soon as the surgeon gets the report, she will get a surgery date. She hopes it might be in late November or sometime in December. Aaahhh...what a great year 2008 will be for her!!!
Rick A.
on 10/24/07 2:15 am - Far Northern, CA
LuLU and the rest of you women have done amazing. I am so proud of each of you. Here are my numbers: Starting weight: 339 Surgery weight: 300 Curent weight: 178 Total lost: 161 pounds I have gone from a 5X shirt to medium, size 46 pants to 34. size 9 shoes to 8 1/2. I have been within 5 pounds of my lowest weight for the last 7 months or so. I can eat just about anything, unfortunately. This has been a great ride. I like my new life. I have so much more energy then I have ever had in my life. I am so proud of all of us "Marcher's". Life is great, Rick
on 10/24/07 6:20 am - , NC
Oh Rick! Your family must be just ecstatic with the healthier, leaner you. You must be so much more active now! I have a question, as a man, did you get as droopy as the ladies seemed to have? I know growing up, when my dad lost a great deal of weight his belly shrunk in right along with him. Just curious
Rick A.
on 10/24/07 6:43 am - Far Northern, CA
Lulu, Sadly, No. I am a "droops alot." I have been obese for 40 years so, there wasn't much elastic left in me. If money was no object I might consider plastic surgery, but that's not the case. I think this is just a small price to pay for better health. Rick P.S. at least my knees are warm.
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