~ WDYET * Saturday & Sunday ~
Well its Saturday afternoon and a perfect weekend here in New England. I'm feeling a lot better than I have over the past 3 days, (still not 100% but much better) and theres no way I can let the weekend past while laying in bed. This could be our last 70s weekend here so its time to get out and enjoy it
I woke up around 9 and went to the grocery store on foot, its not far from bf's house, maybe a mile each way. Came back, rested then went for a second walk with BF's mom around lunch. Rested again and went out with BF for a nice walk along the charles river (I bet I'll sleep like a baby tonight!!
). Taking it easy for the rest of the night, Red Sox play tonight, UFC after the game and Patriots at 1 tomorrow. Hopefully we can get a walk in before the game and after tomorrow!
Food choices haven't been the best today. Just no umph to eat.. I made a big container of chicken stock yesterday (during the very few hours while I was awake) and am going to make yummy matzo ball soup which I'm sure will make me better in no time! I don't know whats in those things, but they're a cure for the sick I tell ya!
heres my day so far
woke up - IsoFruit Cantaloupe protein shake
breakfast - 1 1/2 protein muffins
lunch - slice of thin crust spinach, mushroom, garlic pizza
snack - pear
medium sf butterscotch iced coffee, x-smart milk (back to coffee, you can tell I'm getting better
dinner - matzo ball soup
IsoFruit Cantaloupe protein shake again
snack - not sure, but I'm sure there will be something
vitamins - only multi in so far.. will work on the rest
water - 3 - 16oz bottles
exercise - 3 walks
hows everyones weekend going? hope you're out there pushing for those miles to help us get to Rebeka's house!!

another perfect day! the windows are open to get the flu germs out, it smells like spring (oh I wish!!) I lost 3 lbs from the flu, everyones starting to tell me I'm too skinny. BF looked a little concerned when I said the scale read 123. I really feel great at 126, so I'll eat extra to get back there.
I woke up so early today, must have been all that sleep on Friday. Went on the treadmill for a few miles (trying to get the motivation for couch potato to 5k on podcast). Bf's mom heard me in the basement on the treadmill, I swear shes got ears like a mouse, thats probably not always a good thing
(she lives in the 2nd part of their 2 family house). So we went for a walk around jamaica pond
watching the game with bf, pats are winning and bf was in the mood for chinese food. come to find out the place that delivers is closed... maybe its a sign (too bad for him
)! Anway, BF promised a walk between the Pats game and Sox game, he better stick to his word! I'll post my miles later tonight in the roll call post.
heres my day so far:
early this morning (before bed) 5 peanut butter balls
iso fruit cantaloupe protein shake
breakfast - mini frozen banana with 1T peanut butter and an apple muffin
snack - 1/2c nsa mint chocolate chip ice cream
lunch - few slices of deli roast beef and way too many UTZ salt and pepper chips
medium iced coffee, sf butterscotch syrup, x-smart milk
dinner - Jannines creamy chicken crockpot dish
nectar cappuccino latte (coffee, caramel syrup, smart milk, scoop of nectar protein)
vitamins - all in
water - 2 - 32oz bottles so far
exercise - all kinds of walking
hope everyones having a good weekend