Plastics before & after photos - finally
I finally have added my plastic surgery before & after photos. I think you have to be on my friends list to view them so if you aren't able to see the photos just send me a request to be added to my friends list. I haven't written about my experience yet but I hope to do that sometime this week.
Hugs, Robin
wow it looks so son goes is that you mommy...i said no he said, uhu you have skin like other son goes...yeah but mommy's tummy is bigger...thanks kids LOL!!! Then they wanted to know when I was going to have mine cut off so my tummy would be that pretty cool even my 7 and 8 year old were impressed with your surgery
LOL. from the mouths of babes...This was actually a pretty easy surgery to recover from. I was back at work at exactly 3 weeks post-op (I have a desk job) and while I was totally exhausted every day after work I did pretty good. I didn't think I would appreciate the tummy tuck as much as I do. I was more concerned with getting these hips whittled down. But I love my stomach now and don't even mind my stretch marks anymore. Tell your boys thanks for me! And tell them I said their mommy looks amazing just as she is!!!
Hugs, Robin
I feel great!! In all honesty this surgery was easier to recover from than the RNY. I think that is because with the wls you have to deal with not eating, lack of nutrition and all of the head issues that it all entails. I am so pleased with the results and can sometimes hardly believe what a difference this has made. 6 lbs of skin & fat being removed made a huge difference! Let me know if you have any questions. While I wouldn't want to tell anyone what to do, I would recommend plastics to anyone struggling with they way their body looks after reaching goal. Especially the tummy tuck. If a gal is done having kids, I say go for it. It'll make you feel so good about how your body looks.
Hugs, Robin
Thanks Barbara. It was well worth the pain! Honestly I didn't have a lot of pain, mostly discomfort and that feeling that you get when your foot falls asleep and is trying to wake up - all over my butt, lower back and hips. I had some pain from the lipo on my outer hips/upper thighs. I could tell I was bruised even though the bruising didnt' show through on me. (I don't bruise easliy.) The worst part was having to cough, sneeze, laugh, cry or any other movement involving stomach muscles. And there are a lot more movements out there than one realizes! I had a fake cough for about a week because I refused to truly cough. It was too painful so I avoided that the best I could. My daughter thought it was hilarious when I would laugh and holler at the same time. Laughing at something funny and hollering ouch that hurts because it hurt to laugh. I was quite the sight sometimes.
Hugs, Robin