wow the week is zipping by! Yesterday I was so swamped with work and then I left for a support group meeting at 12:30 and didn't return. Trying to catch up on emails and everything in the office.
The bike ride was great while down at the cape. We did the second leg of the trail on Monday... yup in the drizzle..
bf didn't look happy about it, but it stopped shortly after we started our journey and didn't return. Much chillier than the first trip we took, but it was just as enjoyable. My quads feel like they're going to pop out of my skin.. that was a whole lot of bike riding!!
food hasn't been bad today until of course... a professor arrived with homemade Brazilian cheese bread balls, still warm mind you
... needless to say I had to give in...
heres my day so far...
drive to work - iso fruit pink lemonade protein shake
medium caramel iced coffee, x-smart milk
breakfast - weight control oatmeal with 2/3c. smart milk
snack? - brazilian cheese bread ball
lunch - 1 cup un-fried beans, 1 oz. cheese and enchillada sauce
dinner - 1/2c. lomein noodles with pesto sauce, roasted mushrooms and tomatoes with 5 shrimp (I'm so hooked on this right now!)
snack - not sure...
vitamins - took all but 1 calcium
exercise - day off..
water - lots and lots I feel like I'm floating lol
hows everyone doing today, let us know

I think it might be a crime to NOT indulge in WARM cheese/bread balls! HOLY MOLY! my mouth is watering right now. If those are wrong, I don't want to be right!
B: protein coffee
S: protein bar
L: 1/2 c. clam chowder
1/2 c. snap peas w/ ranch
S: protein shake
D: chicken thigh
grilled veg
exer: -( back still broken
vits done
water 4 bottles, 2 to go