Marcher's some mistakes we might make - part 1

Rick A.
on 10/2/07 1:30 pm - Far Northern, CA
I realize some of this is reminders of what we alread know, but it does have some added information that I think is useful. 1st Mistake: Not Taking Vitamins, Supplements, or Minerals Every WLS patient has specific nutritional needs depending on the type of surgery you have had. Not only is it a good idea to ask your surgeon for guidelines, but also consult with an experienced WLS nutritionist. Understand there is not a standard practice that all surgeons and nutritionists follow in guiding WLS patients. So, it is important to do your own research, get your lab tests done regularly, and learn how to read the results. Some conditions and symptoms that can occur when you are deficient in vitamins, supplements, or minerals include: Osteoporosis; pernicious anemia; muscle spasms; high blood pressure; burning tongue; fatigue; loss of appetite; weakness; constipation and diarrhea; numbness and tingling in the hands and feet; being tired, lethargic, or dizzy; forgetfulness, and lowered immune functioning. Keep in mind, too, that some conditions caused by not taking your vitamins, supplements, or minerals are irreversible. 2nd Mistake: Assuming You Have Been Cured of Your Obesity A "pink cloud" or honeymoon experience is common following WLS. When you are feeling better than you have in years, and the weight is coming off easily, it's hard to imagine you will ever struggle again. But unfortunately, it is very common for WLS patients to not lose to their goal weight or to regain some of their weight back. A small weight regain may be normal, but huge gains usually can be avoided with support, education, effort, and careful attention to living a healthy WLS lifestyle. For most WLSers, if you don't change what you've always done, you're going to keep getting what you've always gotten -- even after weight loss surgery. 3rd Mistake: Drinking with Meals Yes, it's hard for some people to avoid drinking with meals, but the tool of not drinking with meals is a critical key to long-term success. If you drink while you eat, your food washes out of your stomach much more quickly, you can eat more, you get hungry sooner, and you are at more risk for snacking. Being too hungry is much more likely to lead to poor food choices and/or overeating. 4th Mistake: Not Eating Right Of course everyone should eat right, but in this society eating right is a challenge. You have to make it as easy on yourself as possible. Eat all your meals--don't skip. Don't keep unhealthy food in sight where it will call to you all the time. Try to feed yourself at regular intervals so that you aren't as tempted to make a poor choice. And consider having a couple of absolutes: for example, avoid fried foods completely, avoid sugary foods, always use low-fat options, or only eat in a restaurant once a week. Choose your "absolutes" based on your trigger foods and your self knowledge about what foods and/or situations are problematic for you. 5th Mistake: Not Drinking Enough Water Most WLS patients are at risk for dehydration. Drinking a minimum of 64 oz. of water per day will help you avoid this risk. Adequate water intake will also help you flush out your system as you lose weight and avoid kidney stones. Drinking enough water helps with your weight loss, too. I hope you are not making these mistakes and if so it is something we need to work on together. Have a great day, Rick
on 10/2/07 8:46 pm - Nashua, NH
Oh me - some great reminders Rick on why we make those 5 mistakes. I must admit not taking the vitamins scares me the most and for that reason I am very religious about taking mine - probably more vigilant about that than the other 4 - although all are very, very important. Thanks for reminding us again! Barbara
Rick A.
on 10/3/07 2:26 am - Far Northern, CA
Barbara, I agree about the vitamins. It scares me what could happen in the future if I slacked off in this area and there is no quick fix. I haven't gone through all of these changes to loose the benefit later in life. The other thing I don't ever want to think I have been cured from obesity. This is has to be a life long change in order to have a healthier, longer life. I'm in it for the long run. Have a great weekend. Rick
~ Stylz ~
on 10/3/07 9:50 am - North of Boston, MA
I'm trying to remember my vitamins because I know they're so important! I feel like my day slips by and I haven't taken all that I'm suppose to I am getting better with calcium so I'd like to say I'm starting to get better! I'll continue to work on it tho, thanks for pointing it out Rick as it is such an important part of being a post-op
Rick A.
on 10/3/07 1:44 pm - Far Northern, CA
I'm glad you are working on your vitamins. They sure are important. I put my in my pocket when I leave for work in the morning and put them right in front of me on my des****il they are gone. Take care, Rick
on 10/3/07 11:56 am - Cottage Grove, OR
Thank you for this post, Rick. Here is how I'm doing on these: 1. Vitamins- I'm great at this. I'm very "anal" about my vitamins, and recent bloodwork is good. Vit. D was low but I spoke to a doctor about this today (finally) and she said this particular test always shows low, for everyone, and she is not concerned with it. Plus my calcium is great, and all other levels are great. 2. Assuming I'm "cured"- heck no I realize my brain is still the obese person who wants to eat all the time I'm trying to stay disciplined, and its a daily focus. 3. Drinking with meals- I've been good about this so far. I have noticed me shortening the time to 20 min. (instead of my usual 30 min. wait)... so I need to work on being disciplined about this. 4. Eating right- yeah I've been snacking more, and adding "cheetos" and cookies in here and there. Not a lot, but still I shouldn't even have them in the house! I justify it in my mind as "its for hubby" but I end up being the one to open the bag and grab a little, here and there.... this needs to stop. Its empty calories 5. Not drinking enough water- daily struggle
Rick A.
on 10/3/07 1:47 pm - Far Northern, CA
Rebecca, It sounds like for the most part you are doing okay. I am guility of the snaking thing also. I try to make in peanuts or sugar free fudge bars, so it doesn't hurt me to bad. At least that is my rational. Take care, Rick
on 10/3/07 2:06 pm - Alexandria, LA
Great stuff Rick, Thaks for taking time to remind us. I managed to develop a routine pretty fast and I stayed away from the support group so I wouldn't get to knwo where it was easy to cheat or who was doing what. I was told what to do, hwo to do it and that all of them were important. ( Ive recognized a pattern about me that I was unwilling to test on this venture.) It may be selfish or great depending on the personal view but it worked I did attend one at the 1 year and was shocked at all the excuses and sugar coating that was going on - Im a bit results oriented and havent been back, I think it was our leader and we have a new one now. She knows how I feel and that reminders just like those you mentioned would make great topics at meetings. Get some leverage on WHY we do what we do, get some fear going, or motivation, or whatever it takes to get back my life. I feel great about the thinking going on here and realize it's way past time for me to start giving back and shareing and such. I hope to add a bit your this group and expand my circle of "sharing this experience" as I grow, learn and succeed. bigoletriguy e
Rick A.
on 10/4/07 2:04 am - Far Northern, CA
Emile, I agree with you about the support group meetings. I have refused to go to my local support group meetings because I was tolt all they talk about is the ways to beat the surgery. I drive 100 miles each way to go to a men's support group meeting sponsored by my surgeon's office. They don't sugar coat things (pun intended) and you sometime get a well deserved kick in the butt. We certainly welcome you to our group and look forward to your input. Have a great day, Rick
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