These boots were made for walking....!
and that's just what they'll do....One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you...Are you ready boots? Start walkin'!
OK so now I am humming that old Nancy Sinatra tune - not that it was a motivation song for walking - more a get even love song....but the message is good in theory!
Today begins our MARCHers WALK-A-THON across America. Hope everyone is fired up and ready to go! I have my trust pedometer hooked to my hip and I am ready to move!
If you are just reading this post about walking...our goal is to walk across America, from Penn Station in New York to Union Station in LA. (picture map in this link! thanks to STYLZ)
It is about 2,780 miles from one to the other and we are all going to contribute to this (on paper!). It's easy - keep track of your miles each day, week and once a week - next Monday I will ask everyone to report in and then we will see how far we have gone in a week. At the end of the month, everybody who has helped will get a certificate of participation from me and a small gift to the MARCHer who walks the most during the month. Laura A. gets double miles because in addition to walking, she is also undergoing chemotherapy and that brave woman who wants to help with this endeavor earns double mileage from me!!!!
Be sure and send me your address by my email so I can send your certificate to you at the end of the month: [email protected].

WOW Emile - that is pretty good moving! Glad you are helping us out!!!! I unfortunately didn't get lunch today for all practical purposes - just a second to eat at my desk - been in meetings before and after lunch, so I have to get busy this afternoon after work. I did walk a little before lunch - but only about a mile. My pedometer is only saying 2.7 miles so far today. But I am going for a walk when I get home!
Hi All,
It's about 10pm and I'm getting ready to call it a day, but I wanted to post my walking efforts for today Oct. 1st. I am happy to say that I walked 5.02 miles/12,279 steps.
I was able to walk 2 miles on my lunch and then I took a dance lesson class and the rest were just steps I made throughout the day. Also, I got into the gym to do an hour of strength training for the lower body.
My problem is the fat I retain in the hips and lower body area area does anybody have any specific exercises that seem to help reduce the bottom half of the body?
I'm very happy and excited to be apart of the march walkers, I went out and bought a new pedometer and hope to increase my steps everyday.
God bless,
Emily - I am SO proud of you - what an excellent start to our Walk-a-thon. I only got in a little over 10,000 steps yesterday and about 4 miles. You are awesome! Plus an hour of strength training.
I don't know about the fat in the hips - mine seems to be retained in my stomach and I suspect only plastic surgery will cure that - so I don't have any suggestions for you - maybe some of these gym people in our forum will have a suggestion.
We are so happy to have you with us and glad you got your new pedometer! Congrats again on such a great day...keep it up! Barbara