Walking and our MARCHers MAP!!!!
I have copied what STYLZ has said below. She is going to track us on this map. Thanks STYLZ....this is going to be fun....
from STYLZ: Heres our map everyone.. Its a walk from Penn Station in New York to Union Station in LA. http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1609/9234421/16931981/280980629.jpg
now from me: Yesterday I logged 5 miles on my pedometer and today I have a little over 4. We went to a New Hampshire fair today and walked 3 miles at the fair! So I am ready for tomorrow. In addition to increasing my walking, I want to set a personal goal to see how much weight I can lose in October. I have lost no weight in the last 3 months. I am going to attempt to have no nuts or peanut butter during the month...but I may not be that strong!!!!
Anyway - hope all you wonderful people are ready to get fired up and start our walking tomorrow. I am going to copy off STYLZ's map and post it on my bulletin board so it is staring me in the face. I think each week on Monday we will report in how many miles we have gone in the previous week and then STYLZ will post our progress on the map and we can print it off each week.
Good luck walking MARCHers! See ya in Rebeka's living room around Halloween!!!! Rick - you are walking away from CA, but when you meet us at the Mississippi you can turn around and head to Rebeka's!!!! Anybody leaving from the west can meet us and double back!!!!! Have fun - and take some pictures during your month while out on your walks and I will put them all together with a little slide show! Also, don't forget to email me your address so I can send your certificates to you: [email protected].
Hugs to all...Barbara
I'm set and ready to go! I plan on doing at least a mile during lunch tomorrow. If I head to Starbucks for coffee it will be 1.2 miles round trip. Then am planning on the gym after work, so that should be good for 1 to 2 miles. THe plan is to go to the gym, I'm going to try to stick to it, but we shall see!
But I am excited and ready to take on this group trip across the country!! Goooooooooo Marchers!

I'm checking in too!
heres a new map link, I don't know why the other one was so small!!
we went for a walk this morning to the dunkins further away and I plan to walk at lunch. BF knows about our walks so I'm hoping he's as excited about it as I am. Surprisingly, he decided to walk on the treadmill last night so its a start. We're booking our Cape Cod trip for this weekend and plan to stay in Brewster which is in the middle of the Cape Rail Trail, the trail runs 34 miles, can I count that for our walk??
We're hoping to do half of it one day and the other half 2 days later! I'll have to remember my camera for some folliage pictures along the trail!
its so good to see everyone participating and getting back on track, we can do it Marchers Rebeka hope you're ready for us!!