MARCHers going to goal!
Never leave that 'till tomorrow which you can do today.....Benjamin Franklin
Ole Ben was a pretty smart guy....huh? Don't put off your good choices today to leave it tomorrow. Come on MARCHers - we are so close to getting to our we really want to wait another day to make good choices when today is here and ready for us to act and react???? I want to meet my total weight loss goal today, but that I know will not happen and it will be in a few tomorrows to come...BUT I can continue on to that goal TODAY....I can make good choices and by golly I am going to do just that today.
Will you join me? Will you make the good decisions today? Will you not leave it till tomorrow, or the next day or the next? Do the extras today - and you know what they are - water, exercise, vitamins, protein.
Tell me what you will do today and not leave until tomorrow? Hugs to all, Barbara
I used to be a big time procrastinator. I guess I have changed somewhat with maturity (age). I used to always think "if I go for a walk it will be 3:00 p.m. before I get back". Then one day I realized it still is going to be 3:00 p.m. and what would I have accomplished by that time anyway? Sometimes I hate being a grown up, but I guess I am so I have to take responsibility for my own actions.
Have a great day, Rick
I think we are all procrastinators to some degree...tomorrow....we will do the right things and then tomorrow we say...well tomorrow again!!! It is tough being a grown up and we do have to take responsibility for our own actions....because we know if we don't we are not going to be successful on this journey! Speaking of walking - think it is time for me to get up and go on a walk! Barb

Ahhh Stephanie...I want you to get all that protein in for your surgery. Logging will be a great way to stay accountable - good luck to you. And you are so correct - TODAY is the day - we don't need to wait until tomorrow. You are welcome for the coaching and thanks for your always optomistic, positive attitude! Barb