Marcher's at goal - perceptions.

Rick A.
on 9/25/07 1:53 pm - Far Northern, CA
Now that we have lost all of this weight does your perception of your physical body match up what you see in the mirror? Sometimes it is difficult to comprehend our new appearance. We certainly have indicators that we are a changed person. We have gone through a number of clothing sizes so we must be smaller right? I know I still look at a space between objects and wonder if I can't fit through the spot. I am continually testing myself. How do we overcome this issue? I have a couple suggestions. First do as I do and try to size up a space in your mind and then see if you fit with room to spare. You can also compare pictures of your new self with a previous picture. If you saved an old article of clothing put it on and you will see a dramatic difference. You might try standing in front of the mirror and just take time to size up the new you. The mirror is now our friend, it is a true reflection of the new you. If you are like me though, you still want to practice this exercise with clothing on. I could give a shar pei a run for his money in the wrinkle and sag department. How about you do you have a perception problem with you new and improved self? Have a great day, Rick
on 9/25/07 11:13 pm - Columbia, MD
Hi Rick. Yes, I still have a perception problem with the new me. Over and over again I surprise myself when I catch my reflection (or look for my reflection) while passing by a window or mirror. Sometimes I think I look for my reflection because I still can't believe what I look like and I want to make sure that what I saw earlier is still real. I know that sounds really crazy but it's true. Somedays I think someone will wake me from this dream and I'll be back to nearly 300 lbs. Other days I have no problem believing that this is the new me and the old me is never coming back if I can (and will) help it. I still get surprised when I try on clothes that are my size now and not huge plus sizes (a tight 26 before). When I see some of my old clothes I can't believe I used to fit them. My husband has been expressing his shock & surprise lately as well. The other day he said that my pj's were so small and he saw an old picture of me and said that I am a totally different person now. He is proud of me. I think that perception may be a little off for a while. It may take years for me to grasp just how much I have changed and to stop thinking that the old me is still there. Hugs, Robin
Rick A.
on 9/26/07 2:34 am - Far Northern, CA
Robin, I think one of the hardest things for me is buying clothes. I have absolutely no idea when I pick up an article of clothing what size it is. I pickup a size 44 jeans and think those are huge. Then I remember they used to be tight on me. I don't know why, but I feel strange when people say that I look totally different. I just think, hey it's the same old me, just a smaller version. Have a great day, Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 9/26/07 4:33 am - My Town, NH
Rick, I definitely have issues with the "new" me. Sometimes I feel as if I don't know where my body is or how much space it takes up. I also don't seem to understand that larger sizes no longer fit me. I can't hold up a shirt and determine if it will fit. I have a PowerPoint presentation with 12 months of photos. It is amazing how much I have changed. But when I look in the mirror, I don't see those changes! It can be frustrating! Still definitely a work in progress! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 9/26/07 8:39 am - Far Northern, CA
Stephanie, I like your idea of the power point presentation of your pictures. It would make it easier to see your transformation. We all are a work in progress. Have a great day, Rick
on 9/26/07 11:56 am - Pittsburgh, PA
The photographers website who did the pictures for the wedding I was in over labor day weekend has finally got the pictures up today. I'm not overly pleased with them as a whole because as I suspected my pics arent that great. I just do not photograph well. I find myself not looking very happy in them. I should look happy it was a great weekend, beautiful wedding. But in most of the pics I am just not smiling. I look so serious and my head it titled upward alot. I'm thinking that I was trying to be sure i wasn't showing a sagging, wrinkly neck. LOL That's the only explanation i can come up with. One good thing of the pictures is that I was kind of like WOW, I'm much smaller than I perceive myself. I know I'm smaller as we know we are, we wear much smaller sizes, weigh much less. But inside we are basically the same person and kind of feel like the same weight we were. Right? I feel much better, but I still find myself thinking people are viewing me as a fat person. Or at least chubby. And I still think I am. But I think I look pretty trim in my pics. I was kind of surprised and pleased. Kind of gives me a new hope and motivation to keep at it. I'd still ideally like to lose 20 more lbs. Funny how in the past 20 lbs would be a small amount we want to lose and not really that hard to attain if we watch what we eat and do a little exercise. But now at the stage of things, trying to lose 20 lbs is MAJOR!!!!! I think I do, or maybe we all do, if you agree with me on this thought process.. that maybe we owe all the "skinny" people that's we've encountered in our lives, that would whine about having to lose 5 or 10 lbs.. We'd be like "Give me a break!" LOL When you are at a lower weight, trying to lose weight is alot harder. Last month I was thinking I'd like to lose 15 lbs by Christmas. It seemed a realistic amount to say, but guess what. I dont think it is. 15 might take 6 months the way it goes now. Ok, I'm rambling nw. I think you can relate. Once I get, or if I can get some pics from the wedding I'll post. Right now they are on the website and you cant copy the pic of course Have to go through them again and see which ones my DH and I want to maybe purchase. I'll have to really scout for one of us that doesnt look too bad. AGain, Im probably being harder on myself than I should. They are probably ok, I'm just too critical. LOL But hey, I'm thin! LOL Or at least I look thin to me! LOL
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