Whether you think yo...

on 9/24/07 10:08 pm - Nashua, NH
Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right!....Henry Ford That just about says it all doesn't it? Do you think you can? You can if you follow the rules today, and you know my 4 favorite ones - more water, more exercise, all vitamins, protein first and then good food choices. Do you think you can? I think you can.... Do you think you can't? Well then you are right - you can't. You have an excuse for not following the rules today. Why drink more water today, I don't feel like more water, I will drink it tomorrow and that will make up for today. I don't feel like exercising today - my schedule is too busy, one day won't make a difference. I don't feel like swallowing my vitamins - I just can't remember, I don't want to make the effort to get them out of the bottle. I don't feel like protein first and good food choices next - why protein - I want a feel good food going to my tool today...just a little roll with some butter, just a bite of that cake my co-worker brought in - I will do my protein tomorrow. Does any of this sound familiar???? I think we CAN today. What CAN you do today to go towards your goal? Let me know! Hugs to all...Barbara
Stephanie Smiles
on 9/24/07 11:28 pm - My Town, NH
Morning! Today, I CAN believe in myself. That's my goal for today. I need to celebrate my success for a couple of days instead of focusing on how far I still have to go. We took our walk last night. I told my hubby that he was better behaved on walks than most dogs. At least he didn't stop to sniff every little thing like the pugs! They are so adorable though that I'm sure walks with them are fun. I have my healthy meals planned out for the day, my vitamins are here by my side and my spinning class is at 6:00 tonight. I think that covers everything I'm supposed to do. So now I'll focus on the fact that I've lost 142 pounds instead of the 18 that I need to lose by June! Have a great Tuesday! Hugs, Stephanie
Rick A.
on 9/25/07 1:23 am - Far Northern, CA
Barbara, You are so right. It is all about attitude. If I choose to do the right thing I will do the right thing everytime. If I choose to be happy I will be. My results in life are no one elses responsibility but my own. Thanks for the reminder. Rick
on 9/25/07 1:30 am - Inland Empire, CA
Great quote! I'm going to remember that one! And you're so right. It's easy to still be a "victim" of our former fat/diet failure mentality. The "it doesn't matter what I do, I'll still be fat." It's easy to make a poor choice here or there when we're used to not seeing the payoff of GOOD choices! Thanks for giving me something to think about today!
on 9/25/07 10:00 am - Melrose, MA
I was feeling kind of weird today...I stepped up on the scale today and it went up and it bothered me more than it usually does...I think I know what the culprits are but I am not sure....I have been craving peanut butter....and it seems like when I am out and about I am relying on ZonePerfect Protein bars to get me thru until I can eat...I think all I ate Saturday was protein bars...I have to snap out of this....I don't know...I do know that I am gonna rely on my fellow Marchers out there to get me into a better mind set...I do have a question does caffine slow down weight loss and if it does what is an ok amount of caffine to have without stopping the weight loss? Jannine 3537/165/157
on 9/25/07 10:13 am - Nashua, NH
Hi Jannine, I have heard - rather read an article the other day about these protein bars. I don't remember where I read it, will try to remember, but basically they said those bars were made for people like athletes to pump up their protein levels, but they use them for a different reason than we do - because of our restructured stomachs. It went on to say that we shouldn't be using those type of protein bars because it has high carbohydrate counts. I think the article is in something I have at work and I will check on it tomorrow and let you know. I did see my nutritionist on Friday and I asked her about the iced tea I have been drinking from Dunkin Donuts and she said this far out of surgery she didn't think the caffeine was too bad for you. She said she would rather me drink the tea than eat peanut butter and nuts. Hang in there - we are here for you. I'll let you know about the protein bars. Barb
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