Sorry I haven't kept up with this board, I've been posting on my local board.
Here is my plan for today:
Hiya Nanette! Here's my intake for yesterday:
Breakfast: great grains bagel with cream cheese
Lunch: Leftover Turkey Sweet-Potato Shepherd's Pie
Snack: Lite Applesauces cup and SF vanilla pudding cup
Dinner: cheeseburger patty with red onion, pickles and ketchup wrapped in lettuce and steamed carrots
Snack: 1 NSA Fudgsicle
Water: 84 ounces
Vitamins: forgot to bring them to work but managed to get in all but the second dose of calcium
Exercise: 2 1/2 mile walk with hubby
Hugs, Stephanie

Hey there Nanette...hope you are having a great day...this is what I have had to eat today...
I was feeling kind of weird today...I stepped up on the scale today and it went up and it bothered me more than it usually does...I think I know what the culprits are but I am not sure....I have been craving peanut butter....and it seems like when I am out and about I am relying on ZonePerfect Protein bars to get me thru until I can eat...I think all I ate Saturday was protein bars...I have to snap out of this....I don't know...I do know that I am gonna rely on my fellow Marchers out there to get me into a better mind set...I do have a question does caffine slow down weight loss and if it does what is an ok amount of caffine to have without stopping the weight loss?
Caffeine will halt weight loss because it dehydrates you. For every ounce of caffeine you take in, you need 2 oz. of non caff. to make up for it, plus your normal 64 oz.
I was addicted to America's Best Protein Bars. I had to go cold turkey to break the addiction. I can't believe how many things can become triggers.